The Impact of Motor Power and Torque on the Performance of Electric Scooters in India

The Impact of Motor Power and Torque on the Performance of Electric Scooters in India


In recent years, there has been a growing demand for high speed electric scooters in India, which has led to a focus on improving motor power and torque to deliver better Performance. When it comes to Performance, many factors can impact how these EVs operate on the road. One of the most critical aspects is motor power and torque. In this blog post, we’ll explore how these two elements affect the Performance of electric scooters in India and what trends are emerging concerning their implementation. So buckle up and get ready to learn all about how motor power and torque impact your ride!

How Motor Power and Torque Affect the Performance of Electric Scooters

When it comes to electric scooters, the motor power and torque play a crucial role in determining their Performance. Motor power refers to the amount of energy the motor can produce, while torque is the measure of the turning force generated by the motor. A higher motor power ensures that your electric scooter can easily handle steep inclines and maintain a consistent speed on flat terrains. On the other hand, a high torque rating provides quick acceleration off the line and allows you to maneuver through traffic easily.

Motor power also determines how fast your scooter can go. Higher speeds require more energy and therefore demand a more powerful motor. A higher torque rating helps you reach top speeds quickly without sacrificing overall stability during rides.

The Impact of Motor Power and Torque on Range and Battery Life

An electric scooter’s motor power and torque play a significant role in determining the range and battery life of the vehicle. Motors with higher power output can drain the battery faster, while motors with greater torque deliver better Performance at lower speeds.  Torque also plays an essential role in determining range and battery life. Torque is responsible for the acceleration of an electric scooter. Higher torque makes it easier to get up to speed quickly, which helps extend range and battery life.  On the other hand, lower torque may cause the scooter to struggle at low speeds, reducing range and battery life.

Regarding range, a more powerful motor doesn’t necessarily mean less distance covered per charge. The motor’s efficiency and overall system design are crucial factors in determining how far an electric scooter can go on a single charge. However, it’s worth noting that using high acceleration levels or consistently driving at top speed will reduce range.

On the other hand, having a well-designed motor with sufficient torque can extend its lifespan when it comes to battery life. It is because motors that provide excellent low-speed Performance require less energy than weaker motors working harder for more extended periods.

Therefore, balancing motor power and torque is crucial for maximizing range and battery life in electric scooters, especially in the case of high speed electric scooters. Manufacturers must carefully consider these factors during development if they want their products to succeed in India’s growing e-mobility market.

The Role of Motor Power and Torque in Acceleration and Top Speed

Motor power and torque are crucial factors affecting electric scooters’ acceleration and top speed. The motor power determines how fast the scooter can go, while the torque affects its ability to climb hills or carry more weight.

A higher motor power means faster acceleration, allowing riders to pick up speed when starting from a standstill quickly. Torque is essential in achieving this, providing the force to move the scooter forward. Even with high motor power, riders may experience sluggish acceleration without sufficient torque.

Additionally, motor power and torque also impact the top speed of electric scooters, especially in the case of high speed electric scooters. A higher-powered motor can achieve more incredible speeds than lower-powered ones. However, other factors, such as aerodynamics and battery capacity, also play a crucial role in determining maximum speeds.

Manufacturers often balance these factors by optimizing motor power and torque for their specific models to achieve optimal performance for various driving conditions. Finding the right balance between these two factors is essential in creating an efficient electric scooter that delivers reliable performance on every ride.

Trends and Innovations in Motor Power and Torque

One  of the most emerging trends is the move towards higher-powered motors, even Vegh electric scooters are now offering 2.5kW peak power in their new Vegh S60 model . There also has been a focus on improving torque delivery. This has been  essential because it affects not only acceleration but also hill-climbing ability and overall ride quality.

The latest motors now use advanced technology, such as field-oriented control (FOC), to deliver smooth and precise torque output.  Another exciting development is using hub motors instead of traditional chain-driven systems. These motors offer several advantages, including lower maintenance requirements, better efficiency, and more straightforward design.

We expect continued innovation in this area as high speed electric scooter manufacturers such as Vegh electric scooters seek to differentiate themselves in an increasingly crowded market. By pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with motor power and torque, they will offer riders an even more enjoyable experience while helping make electric mobility accessible to more people. 


As electric scooters gain popularity in India, it is essential to understand the impact of motor power and torque on their Performance. Getting an electric scooter with sufficient horsepower and strong enough torques means better performance capability and longer-lasting batteries, especially for people looking for high speed electric scooters in India.  With brands like Vegh electric scooters  improving their technology and innovating new ways to enhance motor power and torque, we can expect more efficient electric scooters in the near future. 

Combined Braking System in Electric Scooters: All you need to Know

Combined Braking System in Electric Scooters: All you need to Know


Are you considering buying an electric scooter in India? If so, it’s essential to understand the braking system options available. One popular choice is the combined braking system (CBS), which has become increasingly common in e scooters in India. This innovative technology ensures safe and efficient braking, even at high speeds. In this blog post, we’ll dive into all you need to know about CBS in electric scooters – how it works, what types of e-scooters have this feature, and its advantages over other braking systems, with a special focus on Vegh automobiles and their commitment to rider safety. So let’s get started!

How does a combined braking system work in an electric scooter?

A combined braking system, or CBS for short, is a safety feature that ensures proper distribution of braking force across both wheels of an electric scooter. It means that when the rider applies the brake lever on one wheel, both wheels will be slowed down simultaneously. In an electric scooter equipped with CBS technology, the front, and rear brakes are linked together via a hydraulic circuit. When you pull the brake lever on either wheel, it activates both brakes at once. The braking force applied to each wheel varies according to certain factors, such as speed and road conditions.

The CBS system uses a proportional control valve to distribute brake pressure between the front and rear wheels. This valve senses how hard you’re pressing on one brake lever and adjusts the other brake accordingly so that they work in tandem. By incorporating this technology, brands like Vegh automobiles provide superior stopping power to ordinary scooters with just one or two independent brakes. It also reduces stopping distance and improves stability during emergency stops since all tires maintain traction even under heavy braking scenarios.

A combined braking system in your e-scooter can significantly enhance your riding experience by boosting your confidence in controlling your vehicle’s speed while ensuring maximum safety on Indian roads.

What types of electric scooters have a combined braking system?

E scooters in India are becoming increasingly popular due to their eco-friendliness and convenience. With more manufacturers entering the market, several types of electric scooters are available that come equipped with a combined braking system. Typically, mid-range and high-end models have this feature as standard equipment. These scooters often have larger wheels and more powerful motors than entry-level options, making them better suited for longer commutes or hilly terrain.

Some recognised electric scooterbrands, such as Vegh automobiles, provide combined braking systems and additional safety features, such as disc brakes on both wheels and  tubeless tyres in their Vegh S60 model.  It’s worth noting that not all e scooters in India have a combined braking system. If this feature is essential to you for safer rides, it’s crucial to research before purchasing an e-scooter to make sure it has what you need. This type of braking system is designed to provide more control and stability while riding, making it the ideal choice for safety-minded riders.

Advantages of a combined braking system in electric scooters

A combined braking system (CBS) is a safety feature in e scooters in India that offers several advantages to the riders. One of the main benefits of CBS is that it ensures equal distribution of braking force between both wheels, reducing the chances of skidding and loss of control during sudden stops or emergencies.

Another advantage is that CBS reduces stopping distance, allowing riders to stop their e-scooter more effectively and quickly. This safety feature also helps maintain stability during deceleration by preventing the front wheel from locking up while applying brakes.

Additionally, CBS eliminates the need for two brake levers for the front and rear wheels. With just one lever, riders can apply brakes to both wheels simultaneously without any hassle, making it easier for beginners to ride safely on busy roads.

Furthermore, this safety feature enhances rider confidence and comfortability as they feel more secure knowing that their e-scooter has a reliable braking mechanism installed. Investing in an electric scooter with a combined braking system provides peace of mind and ensures safer commuting experiences for all riders.


In conclusion, a combined braking system is a ground-breaking innovation that significantly improves the convenience and safety of e scooters in India. This technology, which is available on some more affordable choices provided by well-known manufacturers like Vegh automobiles, guarantees that the rider maintains ideal control by uniformly dividing the braking force between both wheels. It is essential to give this cutting-edge safety feature top priority when choosing a model as e-scooters become more popular in India. For riders of all skill levels, it is a crucial factor to take into account due to its many benefits, which include shorter stopping distances, a reduced risk of sliding, and greater handling.

Government of India Initiatives to Promote Electric Scooters in India

Government of India Initiatives to Promote Electric Scooters in India

The Government of India has been promoting the use of electric scooters in India as a part of its commitment to reducing air pollution and climate change. To promote electric scooters, the government has been providing incentives to purchase them, including subsidies and tax exemptions. The government has also been working to create a charging infrastructure for electric scooters. In this blog post, we will help you understand various initiatives and schemes launched by the government of India to promote EV adoption. 

The Indian Government’s stance on electric vehicles

To achieve EV adoption by 2030, the government has launched several initiatives to encourage using electric scooters in India. The government is working on making it mandatory for all new two-wheelers sold in India from 2025 onwards to be powered by electricity. This move is expected to increase the adoption of electric scooters in a big way and help reduce emissions from vehicles significantly.

The FAME India Scheme, which provides financial incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles, is expected to boost sales of electric scooters in India and help make them more affordable for buyers. The government has also launched an electric vehicle charging infrastructure program. Under this program, the government will install EV charging stations as public-private partnerships nationwide. 

List of Government Initiatives and Schemes 

The Government of India has been keen on promoting the use of electric vehicles in the country and has taken various initiatives to achieve this objective. These include: 

  1. FAME India Scheme: The Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (FAME India) scheme was launched in April 2015 to promote the adoption of electric vehicles. Under this scheme, the government provides incentives for purchasing electric scooters up to Rs 20,000 for two-wheelers and Rs 30,000 for three-wheelers.
  2. Subsidies and Tax Benefits: To encourage more people to purchase electric scooters, various state governments have offered subsidies. Tax benefits are also available on buying an electric scooter under certain conditions.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The government has been developing charging infrastructure across the country to make it easier for people to charge their electric scooters conveniently and efficiently.
  4. Awareness Campaigns: The government has been running awareness campaigns through radio, television, newspapers, etc., to educate people about the benefits of using electric scooters over petrol vehicles. 
  5. Financing Options: To make electric scooters more accessible, the government has provided financing options through banks, NBFCs, and other financial institutions. This makes purchasing an electric scooter easier, even if they need more money upfront. Brands like Vegh Automobiles have adopted this initiative by providing affordable finance options on their electric scooters.

By taking these initiatives, India’s government hopes to create an ecosystem in which electric scooters become more popular and accessible to the masses.

The Current EV Scooter Ecosystem 

Electric scooters are a rapidly growing mode of transportation in India. To reduce the country’s dependence on imported oil and promote clean energy use, the Government of India has been supporting the development and sale of electric scooters. There are a variety of electric scooters available on the market, from basic models that are affordable for low-income families to high-end models with advanced features.

The most basic electric scooters typically have a range of 20-30 kilometers and a top speed of 25 kilometers per hour. These scooters are often used for short commutes and running errands around town. More expensive models may have a range of up to 100 kilometers and a top speed of 50 kilometers per hour. These higher-end models are suitable for longer commutes and can even be used for road trips. Brands like Vegh Automobiles have come up with economical high-speed electric scooters in India that have driving ranges of up to 120 km* and a top speed of up to 75km/h*. 

In addition to different ranges and top speeds, electric scooters also vary in terms of their battery life. Some models can go for days or even weeks without needing to be recharged, while others need to be plugged in after every few hours of use. Battery life is an important consideration when choosing an electric scooter, as it will determine how often you need to stop to recharge your vehicle. 

If you’re concerned about the environment, it’s worth looking into the different types of electric scooters available and deciding which one is best for you.


India is leading the way in electric scooter adoption, and the government has done a tremendous job of promoting it. From subsidies and tax holidays that make electric scooters more accessible to charging infrastructure being set up across cities, the initiatives taken by the Government of India have made a significant contribution towards reducing carbon emissions and creating a greener transportation system in India. This will go a long way toward creating a sustainable future for generations to come.

Extended Electric Scooter Warranty: Things you should know

Extended Electric Scooter Warranty: Things you should know

E scooters in India are an increasingly popular form of transportation, especially in large cities. It’s no wonder they’re a convenient, eco-friendly way to get around town. But what if something goes wrong with your electric scooter? What happens, then? That’s where extended electric scooter warranties come in. In this blog post, we will discuss what you need to know about extended electric scooter warranties so you can make the right decision for your needs and budget. From coverage types to cost considerations and more, keep reading to learn more about these critical protections.

What is an extended warranty?

An extended warranty is an insurance policy on your electric scooter, covering repairs or replacements due to manufacturing defects or normal wear and tear. Many companies such as Vegh automobiles offer extended warranties for purchase, typically for an additional cost.

Extended warranties vary in length and coverage, so it’s essential to read the fine print before you buy. Some policies may only cover certain parts or components of your scooter, while others may have deductibles or limits on the number of claims you can make.

While extended warranties can provide peace of mind, they’re not always necessary. Sometimes, your credit card company or homeowners insurance may cover damages to your scooter, so be sure to check before you buy an extended warranty.

Do you need an extended warranty for your electric scooter?

An extended warranty covers repairs or replacements if your scooter breaks down. Many people wonder if they need an extended warranty for their electric scooter. Here are a few things to consider:

How long is the manufacturer’s warranty? 

It is the first question to ask if you need an extended warranty. Most manufacturers offer a one-year warranty, but some companies like Vegh automobiles offer it for three years. You may not need an extended warranty if the manufacturer offers a longer one.

What does the manufacturer’s warranty cover? 

The next question to ask is what the manufacturer’s warranty covers. Most warranties such as the ones provided by Vegh automobiles cover defects in materials and artistry, but they may not cover normal wear and tear or accidents. Ensure you know what is and isn’t covered before deciding if you need an extended warranty.

How much does the extended warranty cost? 

Extended warranties can vary in price, so be sure to compare prices before you buy one. In general, the longer the coverage period, the higher the cost will be. Be sure to factor in the extended warranty cost when considering whether or not you need one.

What are your driving habits? 

Consider an extended warranty if you regularly drive your electric scooter on rough terrain or in bad weather. These conditions can strain your scooter and increase the likelihood of breakdowns.

How to choose the best-extended warranty for your electric scooter

When it comes to e scooters in India, an extended warranty can be a great way to protect your investment. But how do you know if an extended warranty is proper for you? Here are a few things to consider when choosing an extended warranty for your electric scooter:

What does the warranty cover? 

Remember to read the fine print of any extended warranty before purchasing it. Some warranties only cover certain parts or components of the scooter, while others like the ones provided by Vegh Automobiles may cover the entire scooter.

What is the deductible? 

You will likely have to pay a deductible if you need to claim your extended warranty. Be sure to choose a deductible that you are comfortable with.

Is there a limit on how many claims you can make? 

Some extended warranties limit how many claims you can make or how much coverage you can receive. Be sure to find out if there are any limits before you purchase an extended warranty.

By considering these factors, you can be sure to choose the best-extended warranty for your electric scooter.

The benefits of having an extended warranty for your electric scooter

An extended warranty for e scooters in India can provide you with several benefits, including peace of mind, financial protection, and convenience.

An extended warranty is an insurance policy that protects you from paying for unexpected repairs or replacements. It typically covers parts and labor costs for a specified period, usually one to two years.

In addition, an extended warranty can be a convenient way to get coverage for e scooters in India. If you purchase a policy from a reputable company, they often handle all the paperwork and claims processing. It can save you time and hassle when something does go wrong with your scooter. 

How to get the most out of your electric scooter warranty

An extended warranty is a great way to ensure that your electric scooter stays in good condition for years to come. However, knowing what the warranty covers and how to get the most out of it is essential. Here are some tips:

-Read the fine print: Before purchasing an extended warranty, read the terms and conditions carefully. It will help you understand what is covered and what is not.

-Know what is covered: Most warranties like the ones provided by Vegh automobiles  will cover parts and labor, but it is essential to know precisely what is included. Some warranties may not cover accessories or damage caused by abuse or neglect.

-Keep receipts and documentation: Be sure to keep all receipts and documentation associated with your electric scooter. It will be necessary if you need to claim a warranty.

-Register the warranty: Register your extended warranty as soon as you purchase it. It will ensure you can take advantage of it if something goes wrong with your scooter.

By following these tips, you can be sure you are getting the most out of your extended electric scooter warranty.


E scooters in India are becoming a popular way to get around, and an extended warranty can provide you with peace of mind that your investment will be protected. Knowing what is covered in the warranty and how long it lasts is essential. Additionally, understanding any additional fees or restrictions related to the warranty can help ensure you get the most for your money. With these tips in mind, choosing an extended electric scooter warranty should be easy!


The Role of Strategic Partnerships in Developing Ev-Friendly Infrastructure

The role of strategic partnerships in developing EV-friendly infrastructure


The introduction of electric scooters in India  is changing the way we think about transportation, energy use, and environmental sustainability. Governments and organizations are looking for methods to provide EV-friendly infrastructure as EVs gain popularity. Undoubtedly one of the most successful tactics is strategic partnerships. Organizations can design comprehensive plans for developing EV-friendly infrastructure by collaborating with well-known private sector firms, local governments, and nonprofits. It will not only enhance access to charging stations but also cut emissions and improve public health. In this article, we will discuss how strategic partnerships are helping to shape the future of EV-friendly infrastructure development.

Current status of EV infrastructure development in India

As India’s electric vehicle  market grows, the need for EV infrastructure development becomes increasingly important. The Indian government has supported the EV market and has taken steps to promote its growth. In 2015, the government released the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020, which aimed to have six to seven million EVs on Indian roads by 2020. However, this goal is unlikely to be met due to a lack of investment and infrastructure.

There are only a handful of public charging stations in India, most of which are located in major cities. This lack of infrastructure is a significant barrier to EV adoption, as consumers are hesitant to purchase EVs without knowing where they can charge them. To encourage EV sales and meet its ambitious goals, the Indian government must invest significantly in developing the necessary infrastructure.

One way that the government can promote EV infrastructure development is through strategic partnerships with private companies. These partnerships can provide the capital necessary to build charging stations and other EV infrastructure. Additionally, these partnerships can help ensure that the infrastructure is built in a way that is convenient and accessible for consumers.

Strategic partnerships will be critical in developing EV-friendly infrastructure in India. With the right partners, the Indian government can invest significantly in EVs and help make them a more mainstream option for Indian consumers.

The role of strategic partnerships in developing EV infrastructure

Strategic partnerships are crucial to developing EV infrastructure. Partnerships between the private sector and the government can create the necessary infrastructure to support electric vehicles. These partnerships can also incentivize people to switch to economical EVs such as electric scooters in India.

The development of electric vehicle infrastructure requires significant investment. The upfront cost of installing charging stations and other infrastructure can be barriers to entry for many companies. Strategic partnerships between the private sector and government can help to overcome this barrier by providing the necessary funding and resources.

Government incentives can also play a role in encouraging people to switch to electric vehicles. Incentives such as tax credits or rebates can make electric vehicles more affordable for consumers. Strategic partnerships between the private sector and government can help to develop these incentives and make them available to consumers.

How can we achieve an EV-friendly infrastructure?

If we want to achieve an EV-friendly infrastructure, strategic partnerships are essential. By working with other organizations, businesses, and government agencies, we can develop the infrastructure needed to support electric vehicles.

There are a few things that need to be in place before EVs can take off:

  1. A reliable and extensive charging network
  2. Incentives for people to switch to affordable  EVs such as electric scooters in India
  3. A way to manage the increased demand on the electricity grid
  4. Education and awareness about EVs

Strategic partnerships can help us develop all of these things. For example, by working with utility companies, we can ensure that there is a robust charging network in place. We can also partner with businesses to offer incentives for people to switch to EVs and with government agencies to manage the increased demand on the electricity grid.

Through these partnerships, we can develop an EV-friendly infrastructure that will make it easy for people to switch to basic electric vehicles such as electric scooters in India. 


Strategic partnerships are essential in the development of EV-friendly infrastructure. Organizations can share resources and knowledge to create a comprehensive network of public charging locations and other services. It allows for faster EV adoption such as growth in the sales of electric scooters in India, helping to reduce emissions, improve air quality, and ultimately benefit us all. With the right partners on board, any city or region has the potential to become a leader in green energy initiatives through electric vehicle infrastructure development.

A Complete Guide on E-Scooter Battery Replacement in India

A complete guide on e-scooter battery replacement in India


E scooters in India are becoming increasingly popular, and for a good reason. They’re economical, energy-efficient, and convenient to ride. But like any other vehicle, electric scooters need regular maintenance and repair to keep running correctly. One of the essential components of an electric scooter is its battery—without it, you can’t go anywhere!

This blog post contains a comprehensive guide to battery replacement for e scooters in India. We’ll look at the many battery kinds that are sold nowadays and how to install them properly. With this guide, you can get your electric scooter up and running smoothly again.

What are the different types of batteries available for e-scooters in India?

  • The most common types of batteries used in e scooters in India are lead acid, lithium-ion, and nickel metal hydride.
  • Lead acid batteries are the oldest type of battery used in e scooters in India. They are heavy and could be more efficient, but they are also the cheapest.
  • Lithium-ion batteries used in the Vegh e-scooters  are much lighter and more efficient than lead-acid batteries but are also more expensive.
  • Nickel metal hydride batteries are similar to lithium-ion batteries in weight and efficiency, but they are still in the testing phase for Indian conditions.

Why Do You Need to Replace the Battery?

Over time, the battery in your e-scooter will lose its ability to hold a charge. When this happens, you’ll need to replace the battery. Depending on how often you use your e-scooter and how well you maintain it, the battery may last for several years.

A few signs indicate it’s time to replace the battery in your e-scooter. If you notice that the scooter is taking longer to reach a full charge or if it doesn’t have the same range as it used to, these are reasonable indications that the battery needs to be replaced. Additionally, if the scooter isn’t running as smoothly as it did when it was new, this could also be a sign of a weak battery.

If you need clarification on whether or not the battery in your e-scooter needs to be replaced, it’s always best to consult with a professional. They can help you determine if a new battery is necessary and advise you on what type of battery would be best for your particular scooter model. Alternatively, Vegh e-scooters come with a battery level indicator that can help you keep a track of your battery health. 

When Should You Replace the Battery?

Assuming you are an Indian resident, the most common time to replace your e-scooter battery is every three to four years. Of course, this depends on how often you ride and how well you maintain your battery. If you live in a hotter climate, you may need to replace your battery more often.

In India, the majority of e-scooter batteries last for approximately 5000-6000 full charges. If you use your electric scooter frequently and keep the battery charged, the battery should last two years on average in India.

Of course, other factors can affect how long your e-scooter battery lasts. For example, if you use Vegh e-scooters the battery will not drain faster and may last for a longer time compared to other EVs as Vegh e-scooters have a motor optimized to drive best performance from the battery.

If your e-scooter isn’t performing as well as it used to or the range is shorter than it used to be, it’s probably time for a new battery. Be sure to turn on your scooter; by then, it may be too late, and you’ll be stuck without transportation.

How to replace an e-scooter battery in India?

A few E scooters in India such as Vegh e scooters come with a removable battery, and replacing it is pretty simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Firstly, remove the battery from the scooter. It is usually done by unscrewing the bolts that hold it in place.
  2. Once the battery is removed, look at the terminals. You’ll need to clean them before proceeding any further.
  3. The next step is to install the new battery. Make sure the terminals are correctly aligned before screwing them in place.
  4. Finally, replace the cover (if there is one) and screw it back into place. That’s it! Your e-scooter should now be up and running with a new battery.

If you need more assistance, it’s best to consult a professional mechanic before attempting the replacement.


This guide has provided a comprehensive overview of battery replacement of e scooters in India. We have discussed the different types of batteries and how to choose the right one for your needs. We have also gone through the process of replacing an old or defective battery. With this information, you can confidently replace your electric scooter’s aging battery with ease and ensure that it continues running smoothly for years to come. If you are looking for an e-scooter that is matched to meet your needs with greater savings and performance, we suggest you check Vegh e scooters that come with exciting features and detachable battery for hassle-free ownership experience.


What is a Battery Scooty, and How Does it Work?

  • A battery scooty refers to an electric scooter powered by a rechargeable battery. It operates by converting electrical energy stored in the battery into mechanical energy to drive the scooter’s motor, providing eco-friendly and cost-effective transportation.

How Much Does an Electric Scooty Battery Cost in India?

  • The electric scooty battery price in India varies depending on factors such as battery type, capacity, and brand. Typically, lithium-ion batteries tend to be more expensive than lead-acid batteries but offer superior performance and longevity.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Scooter Battery

  • When selecting a scooter battery, consider factors such as battery type, capacity, voltage, cycle life, and compatibility with your electric scooter model. Opting for a high-quality battery from a reputable manufacturer ensures optimal performance and reliability.

What is the Average Battery Life of an Electric Scooter in India?

  • The battery life of an electric scooter in India varies depending on factors such as battery type, usage patterns, and maintenance practices. On average, electric scooter batteries in India can last for several years with proper care and maintenance.

What is the Expected Lifespan of an Electric Scooter Battery in India?

  • The electric scooter battery life in India typically ranges from several hundred to over a thousand charge cycles, depending on factors such as battery chemistry, usage conditions, and maintenance practices. Lithium-ion batteries generally offer longer lifespans compared to lead-acid batteries.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Electric Scooter Battery Replacement?

  • While replacing the electric scooter battery is generally straightforward, risks include electrical hazards, damage to the scooter, or voiding of warranty if not done correctly. It is advisable to consult with a professional or refer to manufacturer guidelines to ensure safety and compatibility.

How Can I Maximize the Performance and Longevity of My Electric Scooter Battery?

  • To optimize the performance and longevity of your electric scooter battery, adhere to regular charging cycles, avoid deep discharges, store the scooter in moderate temperatures, and follow manufacturer-recommended maintenance guidelines. Proper care ensures sustained battery health and efficiency.

Electric Scooters vs Petrol Scooters India: What Should You Invest in 2023?

Electric Scooters vs Petrol Scooters India: what should you invest in 2023?


In India, electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular and widespread. With rising pollution levels and a growing recognition of the environmental impact of petrol scooters, people are turning towards electric alternatives to reduce emissions. But what should you invest in when it comes to electric scooters vs petrol scooters? In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both options for the year 2023 and see what would be the best investment for you.

What factors should you consider before buying a scooter?

It would be best to consider a few factors before purchasing an electric or petrol scooter.

First, think about what you will use the scooter for. If you only need it for short trips around town, an electric scooter might be the better option since they require less maintenance than petrol scooters. However, a petrol scooter might be a better choice if you plan to use the scooter for longer distances or more rugged terrain.

Another thing to consider is your budget. Electric scooters are more expensive than their petrol counterparts, so if cost is a significant factor, a petrol scooter is the way to go. However, remember that high speed electric scooters often have lower running costs since you don’t have to worry about buying petrol.

Finally, think about your skill level in riding and repairing a scooter. If you’re not mechanically inclined, Since electric scooters require less maintenance than  petrol scooters, they might be a superior option.

No matter which type of scooter you decide on, research and purchase one that fits your needs and budget.

The rise of electric scooters in India

Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular in India as a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to petrol scooters. With the rise of electric vehicles globally, many Indian consumers are turning to electric scooters to reduce their commute costs.

There are many benefits of high speed electric scooters over petrol scooters, including lower running costs, zero emissions and quieter operation. Electric scooters also have the potential to be more reliable and require less maintenance than petrol scooters.

Whether an electric or petrol scooter is right for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. If you’re looking for a more sustainable option with lower running costs, Vegh electric scooters may be the right choice. 

Why are electric scooters better than petrol scooters?

There are a few key reasons why electric scooters are often seen as being better than petrol scooters, even in a country like India, where fuel is relatively cheap. First and foremost, electric scooters emit far less pollution than petrol scooters – meaning they’re better for the environment and the rider’s health. Electric scooters also tend to be much quieter than petrol scooters, making them ideal for city commuting. 

And finally, high speed electric scooters require very little maintenance compared to petrol scooters – meaning you’ll save money in the long run. 

How to optimize your savings with an electric scooter?

Electric scooters are a great way to save money on fuel costs. An electric scooter can get up to 80 kms on a single charge*. That’s the same as a petrol scooter that gets 40-50 kms per litre.

There are a few things you can do to maximize the savings on your electric scooter:

Find the suitable model: There are many different models of  high speed electric scooters on the market. Do your research to find one that fits your needs and budget. Vegh electric scooters offer several models that can match economic needs for your daily commute. 

Choose the correct battery: High speed electric scooters come with either lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries. Lead-acid batteries are cheaper but only last for a short time as lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are more expensive but will last longer and provide more power. Choose the correct battery for your needs and budget.  Successful brands such as Vegh electric scooters use Lithium-ion batteries which are the most popular battery used in electric scooters in India.

Charge regularly: Keeping your battery charged will help extend its life. If you only use your electric scooter occasionally, charge it at least once a month. This can improve the battery health and reduce overall maintenance of the scooter resulting in greater savings. 


To sum up, deciding whether to invest in electricity or petrol in India in 2023 should be based on various factors such as cost, environmental impact and convenience. Ultimately, each individual has unique needs that need to be considered before making a decision. Depending on your lifestyle, one might suit you better than the other. However, if you are looking for a sustainable, economic and budget friendly scooter, we suggest you check Vegh electric scooters that offer a wide range of models with functional features to ease your commuting needs. 

How to get the best out of Electric Scooter Battery?

How to get the best out of Electric Scooter Battery


Electric scooters are a great way to get around, but they can be expensive to maintain. The most critical component of an electric two wheeler in India is its battery. A good battery will last longer and provide more power than a bad one. There are a few things you can do to ensure that your electric scooter’s battery lasts as long as possible. 

Different types of Electric Scooter Batteries

The most common types of batteries used in an electric two wheeler in India are lead-acid, nickel-cadmium (NiCd), and lithium-ion (Li-ion).Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Lead-acid batteries are the most affordable, but they’re also the heaviest and have the shortest lifespan. NiCd batteries are lighter than lead-acid batteries, but they’re more expensive and have a shorter lifespan. Li-ion batteries are the most expensive, but they’re also the lightest and have the longest lifespan. While most of the brands prefer batteries based on their cost, Vegh electric scooters have designed their batteries as per the needs of Indian customers and weather conditions.

To get the best battery performance out of an electric two wheeler in India, it’s important to choose the right type for your needs. If you need a battery that’s affordable and long-lasting, lead-acid is a good option. If you need a lightweight battery with a long lifespan, Li-ion is a better choice.

How to prolong the life of your Electric Scooter Battery

There are a few things you can do to prolong the battery life in an electric two wheeler in India. First, avoid overcharging it. When the battery is fully charged, disconnect it from the charger and don’t leave it plugged in. Second, avoid deep discharge. This occurs when the battery is discharged below 20%. Vegh electric scooters are arguably one of the smartest scooters in the market as they have a battery level indicator with low level notification. Deep discharge can damage the battery and shorten its lifespan. Finally, keep the battery clean and free of debris. This will help to prevent corrosion and improve performance.

How to care for your Electric Scooter Battery

Most electric two wheelers in India come with lead-acid batteries. While these are generally maintenance-free, there are still some things you can do to prolong the life of your battery and keep it running at its best.

First, make sure to keep your battery charged. Lead-acid batteries discharge relatively quickly, so it’s important to keep them topped up. A good rule of thumb is to charge them after every couple of uses, or at least once a week.

Second, avoid letting the battery completely discharge. Always keep your electric scooter charged as low as 10%, a completely drained battery can damage the cells in the battery ultimately resulting in a shorter life span.If you’re not going to be using your scooter for a while, it’s best to store the battery in a cool, dry place and charge it every few months to prevent it from self-discharging. Some brands do not provide detachable batteries with their scooters, however vegh electric scooters come with a detachable battery making it extremely convenient for users to charge and store the battery indoors. 

Third, don’t expose the battery to extreme temperatures. Both hot and cold can be damaging, so try to keep it between 10-30 degrees Celsius if possible.

Finally, always use a quality charger designed for lead-acid batteries. Cheap chargers can damage the cells and shorten the lifespan of your battery. Vegh electric scooters come with a premium charger that charges the detachable battery and also when it’s installed in the scooter. If you follow these simple tips, your lead-acid battery should give you years of trouble-free service.

6 Key Things to Remember 

  1. Keep your electric scooter battery charged.
  2. Avoid using your scooter in extremely hot or cold weather.
  3. Don’t overuse your scooter’s throttle.
  4. Limit your night riding if possible. Do not use an electric scooter for long drives during the night. 
  5. Park your electric scooter properly when not in use.
  6. Perform regular maintenance on your scooter. Prefer buying scooters that have an auto-repair mode such as Vegh electric scooters


There you have it! Our top tips on how to get the best battery performance for an electric two wheeler in India. By following these simple tips, you can extend the life of your battery and make sure that you always have enough power for a great ride. If you are looking to buy a scooter that has a good battery life and convenience of a detachable battery, we suggest you check out Vegh electric scooters!

Five upcoming technologies for Indian Electric Scooters in 2023

E scooters in India

The Indian electric scooter market is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32.5% between 2018 and 2023, according to a report by Markets and Markets. The report says that the market is being driven by factors such as the government’s push for electric vehicles, declining prices of batteries, and increasing range and power of electric scooters. This blog post will explore five upcoming technologies for E Scooters in India 2023. From new battery technologies to wireless charging and more, read on to learn more about the future of electric scooters in India.

Five Technologies to watch for

The electric scooter market in India is expected to grow significantly in the next few years, and new technologies will play a significant role in this growth. Here are five upcoming technologies for E scooters in India that you should keep an eye on:

  1. Lithium-ion batteries: Lithium-ion batteries are more efficient and have a longer lifespan than traditional lead-acid batteries, making them ideal for electric scooters. Several companies such as Vegh Automobiles are already working on developing lithium-ion battery packs for electric scooters in India, and we can expect to see them on the market in the first quarter.                                          
  2. Solar charging: Solar charging is a great way to reduce the running costs of an electric scooter and is also environmentally friendly. Several companies are working on solar chargers specifically designed for electric scooters, and we expect to see them on the market mid 2023.                                                                                    
  3. Wireless charging: Wireless charging is another convenient way to charge your electric scooter, and it’s also becoming increasingly popular.                                               
  4. Swappable batteries: Swappable batteries are an excellent option for people who want to charge their electric scooters quickly and easily. Vegh automobiles are one of the pioneers in battery placements  by providing detachable batteries in their electric scooters.                                                                       
  5. Connected scooters: These are electric scooters with built-in connectivity features, such as GPS and LTE. This allows you to track your scooter’s location, receive real-time updates on its status, and even remotely control it.


How these technologies will benefit consumers:

Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular in India, offering several advantages over traditional petrol-powered scooters. Here’s how these trends  will make electric scooters even more appealing to Indian consumers

  1. Electric scooters will become more affordable

 As electric scooter technology becomes more refined and production costs decrease, E scooters in India will become increasingly affordable for consumers. This will open up electric scooter ownership to a broader range of people, making it easier for people to switch from petrol-powered scooters to cleaner and more efficient electric models. Vegh automobiles have already figured out the differentiator by launching two affordable electric scooters for daily commutes.                                                                                                                             

  1. Electric scooters will offer longer ranges

 One of the main concerns for potential electric scooter buyers is range anxiety – the fear that their scooter will run out of power before they reach their destination. However, as battery technology improves, electric scooters can travel further on a single charge, giving users greater peace of mind.    

  1. Electric scooters will charge faster

 Another issue with current electric scooters is the time it takes to charge the battery. However, new fast-charging technology means that batteries can be recharged much more quickly, making ‘topping up’ your electric scooter’s battery a much less time-consuming task.                                                                     

  1. Electric scooters will be more powerful

 With advances in motor and battery technology, future E scooters in India will offer increased power and performance, making them more capable of keeping up with traffic on busy roads. This will make electric scooters a more viable option for commuters who need to cover longer distances.                       

  1. Electric scooters will be smarter

 As E scooters in India  become more connected, they will offer a range of new features and benefits that make them even more appealing to consumers. For example, some electric scooters have built-in GPS, allowing users to track their location and plan their journeys more effectively. 


The technology for E scooters in India  is constantly evolving and improving. In the next few years, we can expect to see even more advances in this area, making electric scooters an even more attractive option for Indian consumers. We can’t wait to see what the future of electric scooters in India holds! If you are looking to buy an affordable, low maintenance and solid built electric scooter, we suggest you check Vegh Automobiles. We are a growing brand with an expanding network of over 50+ touch points across 7 states to make sustainable mobility well within the reach for common people in India.  

10 Reasons Why You Have to Buy an Electric Scooter?

Electric Scooter

In contrast to earlier times, when major updates took place every 5-7 years, technology now advances every two years. Today’s world is highly competitive, and everything is automated. These advances in technology have made life easier and raised living standards globally, but they have also come at a high cost to the cosmos.

The introduction of electric scooters has revolutionized the automotive industry (EVs). You might be pondering whether you ought to switch to one of these environmentally friendly cars now that they are becoming more and more prevalent on the roads.

So Here Are 10 Reasons That You Should Consider Before Buying Electric Scooters in India


Electric Scooter Save Money

Purchasing electric scooters is a cost-effective way to travel due to their low price and low operating costs. You are no longer forced to use ICE-required high maintenance and depend on petrol or diesel. Electric scooters can contribute to saving Mother Earth because they use electricity rather than burning fuel. Compared to an ICE, an electric scooter’s total cost of ownership is extremely low.

Ease of Charging

You can charge your electric scooter from any electrical outlet. It is preferable to use the electric scooter’s original charger to charge it. It can be charged at home or work. The amount of time needed to fully charge an electric scooter depends on the battery‘s capacity and the type of charger. The charging process typically takes between four and eight hours. It can easily and quickly charge without requiring extra work.

The state govt, central govt, and the private corporation have come together to set up EV charging stations across India. Not only that, now the corporate sector is also installing EV charging stations to provide the EV charging facility to its employees.

Ev charging station manufacturing companies are selling it as a business solution to the restaurants, dhabas, and any roadside shop where there is a facility to sit and spend time for a while.

Easy Maintenance

Electric scooters are simple in design. They only require a thorough periodic inspection. Compared to traditional scooters, maintenance is much more affordable and requires far fewer resources. As they lack oils, filters, and other consumables, electric scooters do not require maintenance.

Subsidy by Govt

Governments all over the world have recently concluded that it is imperative to take decisive action to reduce carbon emissions. Instead of more frequent natural disasters, the federal and state governments are offering enough benefits to accelerate the uptake of electric cars. Some of these tax breaks and benefits include registration fee waivers, road tax exemptions, and purchase incentives worth INR 30,000. These incentives are now in place to encourage people to move toward a sustainable method of accomplishing tasks, but they are only valid for a short time. Profit from the first-mover advantage right away.

It is often said that be the change you want to see in the world and by adopting an electric scooter you are becoming a part of that change.

Everyone is talking about the target of Net Zero Pro. Individual carbon emission is very important, to achieve the goal every person has to participate in it. When you choose to buy electric scooters in India, you become a part of that process. Small lifestyle changes, like switching to electric cars, will go a long way toward fostering the change that is required. It’s a great way to achieve desired outcomes, like lower carbon emissions and less pollution leading to better air quality, normalizing the urgent need, and opening the door for dialogue by walking the talk.

Growing EV Charging Stations

Electric vehicle charging stations will proliferate more over the following couple of years. Additionally, it is claimed that workplace charging stations will be installed, which will eliminate the need for fuel pumps. Now that you can simply charge your bike through any 3-point plug before hitting the road, life is much simpler. The present is the ideal time to reinvent oneself. Electric cars are the way of the future!

Comfort and Safety

Using an electric scooter will lessen noise pollution and is better for the environment in general. Additionally, they are safer to drive on public roads, and in some cases, you might even enjoy riding in EV-only lanes. Additionally, it is both cost- and performance-effective.  Electric scooters enable you to travel farther and faster than ever.

You Are Helping in Building a Better Future:

First and foremost, it is impossible to discuss this shift without addressing how the environment will benefit from it. Our planet needs to heal from the harm our greed has done to it today. If we don’t stop using fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy sources, future generations won’t have anything to eat.

When you choose to buy electric scooters in India, you are not just helping yourself with better financial management but you are also participating in building a better future. If we do not start using electric vehicles then our grandchildren won’t be able to see the greenery we see every day.

Enjoy Smart Tech

The internet of things is being heavily utilized by the electric vehicle industry, and this is only the beginning. You’ll have a smart riding experience where you can operate your car completely from a distance. Also possible is performance monitoring. Additionally, these vehicles have sensors and actuators that can automatically determine when to apply the brakes, maintain motor temperature, apply the helmet, check the mileage, etc.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly

Electric scooters are much more environmentally friendly than petrol vehicles. You can use electric scooters in place of public transportation because they don’t emit any exhaust fumes. Electric scooters have been demonstrated to lower carbon emissions. Additionally, they provide much better mileage than scooters powered by gasoline.

Since electric scooters are environmentally friendly, they are less damaging to our delicate environment. Using electric transportation is becoming more and more appealing as more cities move toward more environmentally friendly transportation options. Because of this, they are also a good option for those who want to play a role in preserving the beauty of our planet.

Electric vehicles are the future, given the buzz they are receiving. Research to improve the performance of these electric vehicles is receiving more attention. In less than 5 years, this will replace the current automobile industry. If you have been looking for an EV option to replace your traditional motorcycle, we suggest you check Vegh electric scooters in India. Vegh incorporates all the above criteria to meet customers’ needs in the ever-changing electric bike landscape.