Electric Scooter Insurance in India: All you need to know

Electric Scooter Insurance in India: All you need to know

With the ever-growing popularity of electric scooters in India, ensuring they are correctly insured is vital. Due to their ease and low price, electric scooters in India have grown in popularity in recent years. Most people need to learn the full extent of electric scooter insurance coverage and what to consider when buying a policy. This blog post aims to answer those questions and clarify electric scooter insurance in India. We’ll cover types of available policies, premiums, deductibles, and standard coverage options for an electric scooter policy. Read on to learn all you need to know about electric scooter insurance in India!

What is electric scooter insurance?

Electric scooter insurance is a policy that provides financial protection against physical damage or bodily injury resulting from an accident involving an electric scooter. Some policies such as the ones offered with Vegh electric scooters also provide coverage for certain legal liabilities arising during accidents from using the electric scooters.

The insurance for  electric scooters in India typically includes the following coverages:

– Bodily Injury Liability: This coverage protects the insured against financial loss if they are found responsible for causing bodily injury or death to another person due to an accident involving their electric scooters.

– Property Damage Liability: This coverage protects the insured against financial loss if they are found responsible for damaging another person’s property, including their vehicle, due to an accident involving their electric scooter.

– Personal Injury Protection (PIP): This coverage provides financial protection for medical expenses and lost wages due to an accident, regardless of who is at fault. PIP may also cover funeral expenses in some states.

– Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: This coverage protects the insured against financial losses incurred from being involved in an accident with a driver who does not have any insurance or does not have enough insurance to cover the damages caused by the accident.

Do you need electric scooter insurance in India?

Electric scooter insurance is not mandatory in India. However, just like any other vehicle, if you choose to insure your electric scooter, it will provide you with financial protection in case of an accident or theft. In addition, many insurers offer additional benefits such as roadside assistance and personal accident coverage. The cost of electric scooter insurance will vary depending on factors such as the make and model of your scooter, your age, and your riding experience.

To find out more about electric scooter insurance in India, it is recommended that you contact a local insurance provider or if you are purchasing Vegh electric scooters, you can connect with Vegh dealerships to get the best policy quote. 

How much does electric scooter insurance cost in India?

The cost of electric scooter insurance in India will vary depending on several factors, including the make and model of your scooter, your age and driving history, and the amount of coverage you need. That said, you can expect to pay anywhere from Rs. 500 to Rs. 5,000 per year for insurance policies covering  electric scooters in India.

Shopping around and comparing different plans is vital to find the best coverage for your needs and budget. Additionally, some insurers may offer discounts for safe driving or other factors.

What are the benefits of electric scooter insurance?

Here are the benefits of electric scooter insurance:

  1. It covers third-party liabilities: Electric scooter insurance covers damages caused by your electric scooter to a third party, including property damage and bodily injury. This financial protection is vital as medical and legal costs can be very high.
  2. In the case of an accident, insurance for electric scooters in India offers personal accident cover to the insured. Insurers can utilize this coverage to pay for accident-related medical care and other expenses.
  3. It covers natural calamities: Many policies such as the one that are offered with Vegh electric scooters offer coverage against damages caused by natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, and landslides. This cover is essential as repairing or replacing an electric scooter can be expensive.
  4. It covers artificial disasters: Some policies offer coverage against manufactured disasters like fire, theft, and vandalism. It helps to protect your investment in case of an unfortunate incident.
  5. It discounts premiums: Many insurers offer discounts if you have installed safety devices like anti-theft alarms and tracking devices on your electric scooter. It helps you save money on your insurance policy.

How to get electric scooter insurance in India?

Electric scooters in India are a popular mode of transport, especially in congested cities. They are inexpensive to buy and operate and can be a great way to get around. However, as with any vehicle, electric scooters in India also come with risks.

That’s why it’s essential to get insurance for your electric scooter. Insurance will protect you financially if something goes wrong while riding, such as an accident or theft.

There are a few different types of electric scooter insurance available in India. The most common is third-party liability insurance, which covers damage or injuries caused by your scooter to other people or property. You might also consider comprehensive insurance such as the one offered with Vegh electric scooters, which covers damage to your scooter, or personal accident insurance, which covers medical expenses if you’re injured in an accident.

Getting insured is relatively simple and usually only takes a few minutes. Most insurers will require basic information about you and your scooter, such as the make and model, and may ask for proof of ownership. Once you’ve submitted this information, you’ll typically receive a quote within a few minutes. If you’re happy with the price and coverage levels offered, you can pay the premium and activate your policy. 


Electric scooter insurance in India is an integral part of owning a vehicle. Not only does it provide peace of mind, but it also ensures that you are financially protected if something happens. We hope this article has shed some light on the different types of electric scooter insurance available and provided helpful advice on finding the right policy. With so many options, comparing different plans and ensuring you get adequate coverage at a reasonable price is worth it.


How Detachable Batteries are Changing the Market for an Electric Two Wheeler in India?

How detachable batteries are changing the market for an electric two wheeler in India?

Electric two wheeler are becoming increasingly popular in India. As an emerging market, electric scooters have been gaining traction with consumers because of their cost-effectiveness and convenience. But one of the biggest game-changers in this industry has been the introduction of detachable batteries. In this blog post, we’ll explore how detachable batteries like the ones used in Vegh electric scooters  are changing the electric scooter market in India and why they are an intelligent investment for riders. 

The current state of Electric Two Wheeler in India

Electric two wheeler in India is increasingly becoming popular, with more and more people opting for them as a mode of transport. However, the current state of electric scooters in India could be better. Several issues must be addressed to make electric scooters more viable for Indian consumers.

Firstly, the range of electric scooters is currently quite limited. There are only a handful of models to choose from, and only a few like Vegh  L 25 and Vegh S 25 are remarkably affordable. It needs to change if electric scooters will become more prevalent in India.

Secondly, the infrastructure for charging electric two wheeler in India could be better. There are few public charging stations, meaning most people must charge their scooters at home. It could be better, as it can take a long time to charge an electric scooter fully.

Finally, the current crop of electric scooters could be more reliable. There have been several reports of them breaking down or having other problems. It is something that needs to be improved if electric scooters are going to be taken seriously by Indian consumers.

How detachable batteries are changing the market?

Detachable batteries are becoming increasingly popular in the electric scooter market in India. It is due to their many benefits over traditional, non-detachable batteries. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Increased portability: Detachable batteries like the ones used in Vegh electric scooters can be easily removed from the scooter and carried with you, making them much more convenient than non-detachable batteries.
  2. Increased safety: Because detachable batteries can be removed from the scooter, they are much less likely to catch fire or cause other safety hazards.
  3. Easy to replace: If a detachable battery needs to be replaced, it can be quickly done without replacing the entire scooter. It is not the case with non-detachable batteries.
  4. Lower cost: Detachable batteries are often less expensive than their non-detachable counterparts. It makes them a more budget-friendly option for many consumers.
  5. Longer lasting: Detachable batteries are designed to last much longer than non-detachable batteries, making them a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Do detachable batteries affect the performance of electric scooters? 

It is a question that many people have. The answer is a complex one. It depends on a few factors, such as the type of battery, how it is used, and how well it is maintained.

The type of battery will affect its performance. For example, lithium-ion batteries used in Vegh electric scooters  are known to perform better than lead-acid batteries. They are also more expensive. If you want the best performance, you should choose a lithium-ion battery.

How you use your electric two wheeler in India will also affect its performance. If you frequently ride in cold weather, your battery will not perform as well as in warm weather. It is because cold weather decreases the efficiency of the battery. You can extend the life of your battery by storing it in a warm place when you are not using it.

Proper maintenance is also vital for optimal performance. Make sure to keep your battery clean and free of dirt and debris. Also, charge it regularly and keep it from discharge completely. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your battery performs at its best.

How to maintain detachable Electric Two Wheeler batteries?

Detachable batteries are becoming an increasingly popular choice for installation in the electric two wheeler in India. There are a few reasons for this:

  • They’re more convenient than non-detachable batteries.
  • They’re easier to replace.
  • They allow for more customization.

For the owners of Vegh electric scooters that come with a detachable battery, here are a few things you can do to keep it in good shape:

  1. Keep it clean: Wipe the battery with a dry cloth after every use. If there’s any dirt or debris on the terminals, use a brush or cotton swab to remove it.
  2. Store it properly: When you’re not using your scooter, store the battery in a cool, dry place. Avoid extreme temperatures, which can damage the battery.
  3. Charge it regularly: Even if you don’t use your scooter often, it’s essential to charge the battery at least once a month. It will help prolong its life span.


Though electric two wheelers have been in the market for a while now, they have not been prevalent in India. It is because of their high price and low range. However, this is changing with the introduction of detachable batteries.

Detachable batteries make the electric two wheeler in India more affordable as they can be bought separately from the scooter. They also make it possible to charge the batteries at home, which is more convenient than going to a charging station.

Vegh electric scooters with detachable batteries are becoming more popular in India as they offer a more affordable and convenient option than traditional electric scooters.

How the Government is Promoting Electric Vehicles in India

best electric scooter in India

With over 40 crore customers in need of mobility solutions by 2030, India is the world’s fifth largest car market, and with continued strong expansion, it could move into the top three shortly. However, growth in the number of automotive customers does not indicate an increase in conventional fuel consumption. In this blog, we will see what policies the government is rolling out to promote electric vehicles in India.

Indian EV Industry Outlook

Day by day the Indian market is seeing a rapid rise in petrol and diesel fuel prices. Electric vehicles provide the perfect alternative. The government is also trying its level best to educate and educate the public about the benefits of electric vehicles. In the last couple of years, both the state govt and the central govt rolled out many policies to promote electric vehicles in India.

India is one of a few countries that support the global EV30@30 initiative, which seeks to have at least 30% of new vehicle sales be electric by 2030. India has pledged to advocate for five factors for climate change – “Panchamrit” – at the COP26 in Glasgow.

At the Glasgow summit, India proposed using renewable energy for 50% of its needs, reducing carbon emissions by 1 billion tonnes by 2030, and achieving net zero by 2070.

The Indian government has taken several steps for the promotion of electric vehicles, including developing their entire ecosystem. This includes the revamped Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME II) scheme, the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) for suppliers, and the recently launched PLI scheme for Auto and Automotive Components for electric vehicle manufacturers..

According to the NITI Aayog, by 2030, 80% of two-wheelers will be electric two-wheelers in India. Not only that, 80% of three-wheelers, 40% of buses, and 30 to 70% of cars in India will be electric. As the country works toward its ‘Zero-Emission’ 2070 goal, cash and attention are being put into electric mobility.

Nitin Gadkari, Minister for Road Transport and Highways, stated in Parliament in March 2022 that during 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, the number of two-wheeler EVs increased by 422%, three-wheelers by 75%, and four-wheelers by 230%. The number of electric buses has also surged by more than 1,200%. The push for EVs is also expected to play a significant role in employee development in the local EV manufacturing industry.

Furthermore, EVs are expected to reinforce the grid and assist in increasing renewable energy penetration while maintaining secure and stable grid operation through a variety of grid support services.

What is National Electric Mobility Mission Plan

The National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP), which was launched in 2013, is a governmental mission that provides a roadmap for the faster adoption of electric vehicles in the country as well as their manufacturing in the country to achieve national fuel security. The initiative is expected to save 9500 million liters of crude oil or INR 62,000 crores.

The NEMMP seeks to invest approximately INR 14000 crores in R&D activities and fledgling technologies, accelerate the adoption of electric cars, and establish critical infrastructure through public-private partnerships.

Electric Vehicles Promotion via FAME and FAME II

The FAME India (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid and Electric Automobiles) Scheme is a government incentive program in India that promotes the use of electric and hybrid vehicles.

In simpler terms, the incentive is provided in the form of subsidies to electric car manufacturers and infrastructure providers to boost electric vehicle production and the development of electric transportation infrastructure.

FAME focuses on four important areas: technology development, demand creation, pilot projects, and charging infrastructure—all of which span electric and hybrid technologies such as mild hybrid, strong hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and battery electric vehicles.

S.NO Total Approximate Incentives Approximate Size of Battery
1 Two Wheeler: Rs 15000/- per kWh upto 40% of the cost of vehicles Two Wheeler: 2 kWh
2 Three Wheeler: Rs 10000/- per kWh Three Wheeler: 5 kWh
3 Four Wheeler : Rs 10000/- per kWh Four Wheeler: 15 kWh
4 E Buses: Rs 20000/- per kWh E Buses: 250 kWh
5 E Trucks: Rs 20000/- per kWh


Phased Manufacturing Programme (PMP)

A phased manufacturing roadmap has been developed to boost electric mobility and promote the development of electric vehicles in India. Taking into account the current state of the manufacturing ecosystem in the country, in which indigenous manufacturing of electric vehicles, their assemblies/sub-assemblies, and parts/sub-parts/inputs of the sub-assemblies will be promoted over time through a graded duty structure. The goal is to greatly increase the country’s value addition and capacity building.

It’s a good thing that many electric vehicle manufacturers are coming up with their electric two-wheelers in India. Vegh Automobile is a manufacturer of electric two-wheeler in India.

National Mission on Transformative Mobility and Storage

The mission’s goal is to create disruptive mobility plans and Phased Manufacturing Programs for electric vehicles, electric vehicle components, and batteries. It covers transformational mobility drive initiatives as well as phased manufacturing programs for electric vehicles, electric vehicle components, and batteries. Developing a Phased Manufacturing Program (PMP) to localise production across the whole value chain of electric vehicles. The Mission will finalize localization details with a specific Make in India plan for electric vehicle components and batteries. The Mission will work with key stakeholders in Ministries, Departments, and States to combine diverse programs aimed at transforming mobility in India.