What is the Lifespan of an Electric Scooter in India?

What is the Lifespan of an Electric Scooter in India

Electric scooters are gaining popularity on Indian roads, and for good reason. These green machines offer a smart investment, with their long-term cost-effectiveness and minimal environmental footprint. They also provide a convenient way to navigate through traffic, making them a practical choice for the discerning buyer.
If you’re eyeing one of these green machines, you’re probably wondering about the lifespan of an electric scooter in India. In this guide, we’ll talk about the lifespan of electric scooters and how you can improve it. 

Breaking Down Your E-Scooter Lifespan

When it comes to lifespan, an charging scooter in India can be a reliable companion, lasting anywhere from 10-15 years with proper care and maintenance. This longevity promises a solid return on your investment, making it a wise choice for the future.
It mainly depends on how long different parts of your electric scooter last. If you do regular maintenance and possible replacements of e-scooter parts if needed, your e-scooter will get a long life. 

Battery Life of Electric Scooter

Battery is the heart of any electric scooter. And for most electric scooters in India, that heart is made of Lithium-ion. These Lithium-ion batteries usually support 1500-2000 charge cycles. Imagine that! You can charge and use your scooter from dead to full up to 2000 times before you notice a downhill trend in battery performance.
Suppose your scooter can travel about 80 km on a single charge, which is standard. Here’s a bit of math to bring things into perspective:


– Range per charge = 80 km
– Battery cycles = 1500

Calculating total distance:
Total distance = Range per charge × Battery cycles
(Total distance = 80 km × 1500 = 120,000 km)

If you’re using your scooter to cover 30 km daily:
Daily usage = 30 km
Lifespan in days = Total distance (÷) Daily Usage
120,000 km (÷) 30km/day = 4000 days

Therefore, 4000 days (÷) 365 days = approx. 10.96 years
So, riding within these average parameters, the e-scooter lasts  11 years!!

Battery Performance of Electric Scooter

Now, you’re probably wondering how much distance I can cover with an e-scooter on a single charge!! Well, when calculating the average of an e-scooter on a single charge, several factors come into play, such as battery capacity, motor efficiency, terrain, and riding style.
However, on average, primarily electric scooter in India can cover about 64 km per full charge. However, some higher-end electric scooter in India, like the Vegh e-scooter, come with excellent batteries and more efficient motors that might easily surpass approximately 75 km on a single charge. 

Battery Performance of Electric Scooter

Exploring Battery Varieties of Electric Scooters

Generally, three types of batteries are used in electric scooters in India. 

  1. Lead-acid batteries: They’re the traditional batteries – less expensive but heavier and not entirely up to long-term, heavy usage.
  2. Lithium-ion batteries: These are the popular choice of batteries used in e-scooters in India now due to their high energy density and efficiency. They can typically last for 1500-2000 charge cycles, which translates to about 10-15 years of use. Yes, they’re a bit pricier, but they can keep a charge longer and handle more charge cycles compared to lead-acid batteries.
  3. Nickel-metal hydride batteries: These are safe and durable batteries mostly found in hybrids. They come with a higher price tag and longer charging times.

Do’s and Don’ts of Charging an Electric Scooter

Here are some quick tips on keeping your e-scooter battery in top shape.

  • Always use the charger provided with your scooter.
  • Avoid using fast chargers too often; they can be harsh on your battery.
  • Keep those battery contacts clean and dry to prevent corrosion.
  • Please don’t leave your scooter plugged in once fully charged; unplug it to prevent overcharging.

If you’re not riding for a while, store your scooter in a cool, dry place and charge the battery every few weeks.

 Tips to Boost Your Electric Scooter’s Lifespan

To maximize the life of your e-scooter, consider these proactive steps:

  • Keep up with regular maintenance checks.
  • Follow the recommended charging practices.
  • Adopt smooth riding habits—no harsh starts and stops.
  • Store your scooter properly, protected from severe weather and theft.
  • Choose quality components for repairs and upgrades.

Wrap Up

With the right care and proper knowledge, you can improve the life of your e-scooter. Just treat it well, and it’ll do the same for you.
And don’t forget to visit Vegh Automobiles to explore the top electric scooters with advanced features, sleek design and long battery life.

The Impact of Motor Power and Torque on the Performance of Electric Scooters in India

The Impact of Motor Power and Torque on the Performance of Electric Scooters in India


In recent years, there has been a growing demand for high speed electric scooters in India, which has led to a focus on improving motor power and torque to deliver better Performance. When it comes to Performance, many factors can impact how these EVs operate on the road. One of the most critical aspects is motor power and torque. In this blog post, we’ll explore how these two elements affect the Performance of electric scooters in India and what trends are emerging concerning their implementation. So buckle up and get ready to learn all about how motor power and torque impact your ride!

How Motor Power and Torque Affect the Performance of Electric Scooters

When it comes to electric scooters, the motor power and torque play a crucial role in determining their Performance. Motor power refers to the amount of energy the motor can produce, while torque is the measure of the turning force generated by the motor. A higher motor power ensures that your electric scooter can easily handle steep inclines and maintain a consistent speed on flat terrains. On the other hand, a high torque rating provides quick acceleration off the line and allows you to maneuver through traffic easily.

Motor power also determines how fast your scooter can go. Higher speeds require more energy and therefore demand a more powerful motor. A higher torque rating helps you reach top speeds quickly without sacrificing overall stability during rides.

The Impact of Motor Power and Torque on Range and Battery Life

An electric scooter’s motor power and torque play a significant role in determining the range and battery life of the vehicle. Motors with higher power output can drain the battery faster, while motors with greater torque deliver better Performance at lower speeds.  Torque also plays an essential role in determining range and battery life. Torque is responsible for the acceleration of an electric scooter. Higher torque makes it easier to get up to speed quickly, which helps extend range and battery life.  On the other hand, lower torque may cause the scooter to struggle at low speeds, reducing range and battery life.

Regarding range, a more powerful motor doesn’t necessarily mean less distance covered per charge. The motor’s efficiency and overall system design are crucial factors in determining how far an electric scooter can go on a single charge. However, it’s worth noting that using high acceleration levels or consistently driving at top speed will reduce range.

On the other hand, having a well-designed motor with sufficient torque can extend its lifespan when it comes to battery life. It is because motors that provide excellent low-speed Performance require less energy than weaker motors working harder for more extended periods.

Therefore, balancing motor power and torque is crucial for maximizing range and battery life in electric scooters, especially in the case of high speed electric scooters. Manufacturers must carefully consider these factors during development if they want their products to succeed in India’s growing e-mobility market.

The Role of Motor Power and Torque in Acceleration and Top Speed

Motor power and torque are crucial factors affecting electric scooters’ acceleration and top speed. The motor power determines how fast the scooter can go, while the torque affects its ability to climb hills or carry more weight.

A higher motor power means faster acceleration, allowing riders to pick up speed when starting from a standstill quickly. Torque is essential in achieving this, providing the force to move the scooter forward. Even with high motor power, riders may experience sluggish acceleration without sufficient torque.

Additionally, motor power and torque also impact the top speed of electric scooters, especially in the case of high speed electric scooters. A higher-powered motor can achieve more incredible speeds than lower-powered ones. However, other factors, such as aerodynamics and battery capacity, also play a crucial role in determining maximum speeds.

Manufacturers often balance these factors by optimizing motor power and torque for their specific models to achieve optimal performance for various driving conditions. Finding the right balance between these two factors is essential in creating an efficient electric scooter that delivers reliable performance on every ride.

Trends and Innovations in Motor Power and Torque

One  of the most emerging trends is the move towards higher-powered motors, even Vegh electric scooters are now offering 2.5kW peak power in their new Vegh S60 model . There also has been a focus on improving torque delivery. This has been  essential because it affects not only acceleration but also hill-climbing ability and overall ride quality.

The latest motors now use advanced technology, such as field-oriented control (FOC), to deliver smooth and precise torque output.  Another exciting development is using hub motors instead of traditional chain-driven systems. These motors offer several advantages, including lower maintenance requirements, better efficiency, and more straightforward design.

We expect continued innovation in this area as high speed electric scooter manufacturers such as Vegh electric scooters seek to differentiate themselves in an increasingly crowded market. By pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with motor power and torque, they will offer riders an even more enjoyable experience while helping make electric mobility accessible to more people. 


As electric scooters gain popularity in India, it is essential to understand the impact of motor power and torque on their Performance. Getting an electric scooter with sufficient horsepower and strong enough torques means better performance capability and longer-lasting batteries, especially for people looking for high speed electric scooters in India.  With brands like Vegh electric scooters  improving their technology and innovating new ways to enhance motor power and torque, we can expect more efficient electric scooters in the near future. 

The Role of Strategic Partnerships in Developing Ev-Friendly Infrastructure

The role of strategic partnerships in developing EV-friendly infrastructure


The introduction of electric scooters in India  is changing the way we think about transportation, energy use, and environmental sustainability. Governments and organizations are looking for methods to provide EV-friendly infrastructure as EVs gain popularity. Undoubtedly one of the most successful tactics is strategic partnerships. Organizations can design comprehensive plans for developing EV-friendly infrastructure by collaborating with well-known private sector firms, local governments, and nonprofits. It will not only enhance access to charging stations but also cut emissions and improve public health. In this article, we will discuss how strategic partnerships are helping to shape the future of EV-friendly infrastructure development.

Current status of EV infrastructure development in India

As India’s electric vehicle  market grows, the need for EV infrastructure development becomes increasingly important. The Indian government has supported the EV market and has taken steps to promote its growth. In 2015, the government released the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020, which aimed to have six to seven million EVs on Indian roads by 2020. However, this goal is unlikely to be met due to a lack of investment and infrastructure.

There are only a handful of public charging stations in India, most of which are located in major cities. This lack of infrastructure is a significant barrier to EV adoption, as consumers are hesitant to purchase EVs without knowing where they can charge them. To encourage EV sales and meet its ambitious goals, the Indian government must invest significantly in developing the necessary infrastructure.

One way that the government can promote EV infrastructure development is through strategic partnerships with private companies. These partnerships can provide the capital necessary to build charging stations and other EV infrastructure. Additionally, these partnerships can help ensure that the infrastructure is built in a way that is convenient and accessible for consumers.

Strategic partnerships will be critical in developing EV-friendly infrastructure in India. With the right partners, the Indian government can invest significantly in EVs and help make them a more mainstream option for Indian consumers.

The role of strategic partnerships in developing EV infrastructure

Strategic partnerships are crucial to developing EV infrastructure. Partnerships between the private sector and the government can create the necessary infrastructure to support electric vehicles. These partnerships can also incentivize people to switch to economical EVs such as electric scooters in India.

The development of electric vehicle infrastructure requires significant investment. The upfront cost of installing charging stations and other infrastructure can be barriers to entry for many companies. Strategic partnerships between the private sector and government can help to overcome this barrier by providing the necessary funding and resources.

Government incentives can also play a role in encouraging people to switch to electric vehicles. Incentives such as tax credits or rebates can make electric vehicles more affordable for consumers. Strategic partnerships between the private sector and government can help to develop these incentives and make them available to consumers.

How can we achieve an EV-friendly infrastructure?

If we want to achieve an EV-friendly infrastructure, strategic partnerships are essential. By working with other organizations, businesses, and government agencies, we can develop the infrastructure needed to support electric vehicles.

There are a few things that need to be in place before EVs can take off:

  1. A reliable and extensive charging network
  2. Incentives for people to switch to affordable  EVs such as electric scooters in India
  3. A way to manage the increased demand on the electricity grid
  4. Education and awareness about EVs

Strategic partnerships can help us develop all of these things. For example, by working with utility companies, we can ensure that there is a robust charging network in place. We can also partner with businesses to offer incentives for people to switch to EVs and with government agencies to manage the increased demand on the electricity grid.

Through these partnerships, we can develop an EV-friendly infrastructure that will make it easy for people to switch to basic electric vehicles such as electric scooters in India. 


Strategic partnerships are essential in the development of EV-friendly infrastructure. Organizations can share resources and knowledge to create a comprehensive network of public charging locations and other services. It allows for faster EV adoption such as growth in the sales of electric scooters in India, helping to reduce emissions, improve air quality, and ultimately benefit us all. With the right partners on board, any city or region has the potential to become a leader in green energy initiatives through electric vehicle infrastructure development.

How to Extend the Performance of Electric Scooters?

How to extend the performance of electric scooters


As the cost of living in India continues to rise, more and more people are looking for ways to save money. One way to do this is using an electric scooter instead of a petrol bike. Not only are electric scooters  in India cheaper to operate, but they also help reduce pollution. However, electric scooters can have a shorter lifespan than normal petrol scooters if they need to be adequately maintained. In this blog post, we will explore some tips on extending your electric scooter’s performance. These tips will help you get the most out of your investment, from proper charging to regular maintenance.

Components of an electric scooter

An electric scooter typically has three main components – the battery, motor, and controller. The battery provides power to the motor, which then powers the scooter’s wheels. The role of the controller is to maintain the flow of power from the battery and to the motor. When it comes to extending your electric scooter’s performance, you can do a few things to improve each of these components. For example, you can upgrade to a high-performance battery or motor or install a higher-capacity controller. You can also ensure that your scooter is properly maintained and serviced regularly. Taking care of your scooter and its components can help ensure that it will run at peak performance for years to come.

How to extend the performance of your electric scooter?

Here are some tips to help you extend the performance of electric scooters in India and save money:

  1. Keep your battery charged -A fully charged battery will give you the most extended range and performance. Try to charge your battery overnight, so it’s always ready to go.
  2. Use your scooter wisely- Please turn it off to conserve power when you’re not using your scooter especially at the traffic signals or during jams. 
  3. Plan your route- The more direct your route, the less power you’ll use. Avoid bad roads if possible. 
  4. Slow down. Faster speeds use more power, so take it easy when you’re out for a cruise. Having a low speed electric scooter such as the Vegh E scooters can help you get the performance as they are made for Indian conditions. 

Maintenance tips for electric scooters

Here are some maintenance tips for electric scooters in India: 

  1. Keep the battery charged; if it’s not used for a while, charge it every few weeks to prevent degradation.
  2. Wipe down the scooter after every ride, especially if it’s been ridden in wet weather
  3. Check and clean the brakes regularly. Brands like Vegh E scooters provide disc brakes on both the tyres which can reduce maintenance cost in the long run. 
  4. Tighten screws and check for loose parts regularly.
  5. Park the scooter in shade, if possible, to protect it from the elements.

Do’s and Don’ts with electric scooters.

Electric scooters in India  are becoming an increasingly popular choice among people as they offer a convenient and eco-friendly way to get around. However, it would be best to keep a few things in mind when using an electric scooter to ensure its longevity and performance.


-Read the manual before using your electric scooter to understand how it works and how to properly care for it.

-Keep the battery charged. Regularly charging the battery will help extend its life.

-Clean and maintain your electric scooter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This includes cleaning the wheels, handlebars, and deck and lubricating moving parts.


-Leave your electric scooter in the rain or other harsh weather conditions. This can damage the battery and other components.

-Use your electric scooter for off-road riding. Stick to good roads for best results.

-Attempt to repair your electric scooter yourself if something goes wrong. Please take it to a qualified technician for service. If you cannot reach out to a mechanic in an emergency,  Vegh E scooters come with an excellent feature of Auto-repair which helps you to fix the Vegh scooter on the go. 



Proper Charging

One of the most important things you can do to extend your electric scooter’s performance is to ensure it is adequately charged. Most electric scooters in India  come with a standard charger, but consider upgrading to a faster charger if you often run low on battery power. It is also important to only charge your scooter when the battery is completely depleted. Partial charging can shorten the lifespan of your battery.

Regular Maintenance

Another key to extending your electric scooter’s performance is keeping up with regular maintenance. This includes checking the tire pressure and ensuring the brakes are in good working order. It would help if you also cleaned your scooter regularly to prevent dirt and debris from building up and causing problems. If you take care of your scooter, it will take care of you in return.


Electric scooters in India are a great way to save money and reduce pollution, but they require special care to keep them running correctly. By following the tips above, you can extend the performance of your electric scooter and get the most out of your investment.

An electric scooter is a great way to get around town. They are eco-friendly, fun to ride, and can help you save money on petrol. If you are thinking about purchasing an electric scooter, be sure to check Vegh E scooters  as they come with smart features and at a budget friendly price. 


Best Electric Scooters in India: Speed, Range, Battery, and Price

Best Electric Scooters in India

Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular due to the many advantages they provide over traditional petrol or diesel-powered scooters. In addition to being more affordable when fuel prices are rising daily, they are also more environmentally friendly and have lower maintenance costs. However, in India, electric scooters are still a relatively new type of vehicle. With this blog, our objective is to let you know how to choose the best electric scooters among all available options.

Now the question is, what are those parameters on which you can decide which are the best electric scooters? Now here, the word best is very subjective. It can vary from person to person. There might be a possibility that what you think is best is not the best for you. For example, some electric vehicles have speeds of more than 100 kmh while some have a max speed of less than 100 km. It all depends on your comfort and the objective of that electric scooter.

There are mainly 4 parameters on which you have to check electric scooters: speed, range, battery life, and price. Let’s have a look at each of them and understand them.

Different Parameters of Best Electric Scooters in India

Electric Scooter Speed:
Regarding speed, there are 3 variants of the electric scooter. The first is low-speed electric scooters, the second is medium-speed electric scooters, and the third is high-speed electric scooters.

The low-speed electric scooters run at a speed of 25 kmh and don’t need any license. All they need is a simple registration. For example, Vegh e scooters, Vegh S25 and Vegh L25 have a max speed of 25 kmph.

Then comes the medium-speed electric vehicles. Their speed range varies between 50 mph to 80 mph. And after that comes high-speed electric vehicles. Their top speed is more than 100 kmph.

Now it’s up to you which electric scooter you want to buy. If you love speed, you can go for high-speed electric scooters; if you want something comfortable and pocket friendly, you can go for medium or low-speed electric scooters.

The range is an essential aspect of electric scooters. Range anxiety is one of the leading causes of people’s hesitation to buy electric scooters in the first place. But thanks to government and corporate collaboration on setting up multiple EV charging stations, this issue of the range will not last for long.

First, you have to understand the range of your daily commute. Is it less than 80 km or more than that? If your office is within 30 kilometers, then back and forth will be 60 kilometers. If we add another 10 kilometers to your daily commute, it becomes 70 kilometers. So now you need an electric scooter of 70-80 kilometers. Luckily Vegh e-scooters Vegh L 25 and Vegh S 25 both have a range of 70+ kilometers.

Now, if your daily commute is more than 80 kilometers, you can go for the higher range variants of electric scooters.

The battery is one of the essential parts of electric scooters. It won’t be wrong to say that the battery is the backbone of electric scooters. As of now, the majority of batteries for electric vehicles are based on a lithium-ion chemistry and mainly NMC and LFP. But in the case of electric scooters, the battery is made of NMC.

There are 3 voltage platforms of electric scooter batteries, which are 48V, 60V, and 72V. The cost of the battery is defined by the watt-hour, or in simple terms, its capacity. Of course, the high-capacity battery will give more range to the electric scooters but will also add up to the cost.

All the parameters we have gone through define the price of the electric scooter. If you want an electric scooter with high speed and high range will cost you more than an electric scooter with low speed and medium range. Many electric scooter manufacturers offer you financing options like Vegh Automobiles. Vegh e-scooters come with financing options. For any electric scooter financing-related information, you can contact Vegh Automobiles.

Based on all of these parameters, you can decide among all the available electric scooter options which are the best for you.