From Work to Weekend: How Vegh Scooters Transform Your Commute into an Adventure

Vegh Scooters

We all know the drill when it comes to the daily commute, right? It’s either the usual slow drive in traffic or the packed subway journey. Commuting might feel like a bit of a drag, but what if it could be more exciting? Well, that’s where Vegh Scooters step in, redefining how we perceive and undertake our daily commutes.

In a world where being eco-friendly and efficient is really important, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising solution. Vegh Scooters takes this concept a step further by offering a green way to get around and making every ride feel like an adventure.  

Embracing the Unexpected

Vegh Scooters encourage riders to embrace the unexpected. With their agile design and responsive handling, these scooters can easily navigate through congested streets and narrow alleys, opening up a world of possibilities.

What was once a tedious drive through traffic now becomes an exhilarating journey filled with twists and turns.

From weaving through traffic jams to exploring shortcuts and hidden pathways, every ride becomes an adventure waiting to unfold.

Rediscovering Your City

One of the most exciting aspects of commuting on a Vegh Scooter is the opportunity to rediscover your city.

Often, we overlook the beauty and charm of our surroundings while rushing through our daily routines.

However, on a scooter, every street corner, park, and landmark becomes a potential detour. 

You might stumble upon quaint cafes, vibrant street art, or serene parks that you never noticed before.

Vegh Scooters encourage urban exploration, allowing you to see your city through fresh eyes and uncover hidden gems that were right under your nose.

Unleashing the Weekend Warrior

Vegh Scooters don’t just transform your work commute; they also unleash the weekend warrior within you.

When the workweek comes to an end, your scooter seamlessly transitions from a means of getting to the office to a vehicle of adventure.

Whether it’s a spontaneous ride to the countryside, a coastal escape, or a leisurely exploration of your city’s cultural hubs, your Vegh Scooter is the gateway to a world of weekend adventures.

Its electric power and versatility allow you to extend your journeys beyond the ordinary.

Fueling Sustainability and Freedom

Beyond the thrill of adventure, riding a Vegh Scooter is a statement of sustainability and freedom.

With zero tailpipe emissions, these electric scooters contribute to cleaner air and a greener environment.

Every time you hop on your scooter, you’re making a conscious choice to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

This sense of responsibility is beautifully intertwined with the feeling of freedom that comes with zipping through streets, unburdened by the limitations of conventional vehicles.

Conclusion: The Future of Commuting

In conclusion, Vegh Scooters are not just vehicles; they are transformative experiences. They challenge the notion that commuting has to be dull and predictable.

Instead, they turn every ride into an opportunity for adventure, self-expression, and urban exploration.

From work to the weekend, Vegh Scooters seamlessly blend into your lifestyle, offering a new perspective on how you navigate your city and experience the world around you.

As these electric scooters pave the way for a more sustainable and exciting future, they remind us that the journey is just as important as the destination.

Shaping the Future of Mobility: How Vegh Electric Scooters are Driving the EV Revolution in India

Shaping the Future of Mobility How Vegh Electric Scooters are Driving the EV Revolution in India

India, with its rapidly growing population and expanding urban centers, faces a pressing need to address the challenges of congestion, pollution, and reliance on fossil fuels in the transportation sector. Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising solution to combat these issues, with electric scooters leading the charge. Among the pioneers of the electric scooter movement in India, Vegh Automobiles has established itself as a key player, driving the EV revolution in the country. In this blog, we will explore how Vegh Electric Scooters are shaping the future of mobility in India by promoting sustainable transportation, reducing carbon emissions, and redefining urban commuting.

Addressing the State of Transportation in India

India’s transportation landscape is characterized by an overwhelming reliance on petrol and diesel-powered vehicles, resulting in severe air pollution and a significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. The densely populated cities often experience traffic congestion, leading to increased travel times and decreased productivity. As India’s economy continues to grow, the demand for mobility solutions is soaring, creating an urgent need for sustainable alternatives that can accommodate the ever-increasing transportation demands.

The Rise of Electric Scooters in India

Electric scooters have emerged as an ideal solution to tackle the transportation challenges in India. These vehicles offer a clean, affordable, and efficient mode of transportation that can significantly reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the adverse effects of traditional fossil-fueled vehicles. With the Indian government’s emphasis on electrification through policies and incentives, the electric scooter market has witnessed a significant surge in recent years.

Vegh Automobiles: Pioneering Sustainable Mobility

Vegh Automobiles is at the forefront of the Electric scooter movement in India, pioneering sustainable mobility with a wide range of innovative and stylish EVs. The brand’s commitment to combining cutting-edge technology, sustainable materials, and aesthetic design has set them apart as a key player in the EV revolution. Let’s delve deeper into the factors that make Vegh Electric Scooters a driving force for change in India:

Visionary Leadership: Vegh Automobiles’ journey began with a visionary leadership team that recognized the potential of electric mobility to revolutionize urban transportation. Driven by a passion for sustainability and innovation, they set out to create a brand that not only offers eco-friendly scooters but also represents a lifestyle choice aligned with responsible environmental practices.

Sustainable Materials: One of Vegh’s core principles is using sustainable materials in their scooter manufacturing process. From responsibly sourced metals to recyclable plastics, every component is carefully selected to minimize the environmental impact without compromising on quality and performance.

Advanced Battery Technology: Vegh Electric Scooters are equipped with state-of-the-art battery technology, which ensures optimal performance, longer battery life, and faster charging times. These batteries power the scooters efficiently, minimizing energy wastage and contributing to a longer range per charge.

Durable Design: Recognizing the individuality of their riders, Vegh offers various EV models, allowing users to choose their scooters according to their preferences. This emphasis on personalization enhances the emotional connection between riders and their scooters, promoting a stronger commitment to eco-friendly choices.

Safety and Connectivity: Vegh places a strong emphasis on rider safety, equipping their scooters with advanced lighting systems, combined brake features, and turn signals. Moreover, their integration of digital technology and safety options enables real-time data monitoring, contributing to a safer and more efficient riding experience.

Focus on Affordability: To encourage mass adoption of electric scooters, Vegh Electric has maintained a focus on affordability, ensuring that their vehicles are accessible to a broad range of consumers. By offering competitive pricing and attractive financing options, Vegh aims to drive the widespread adoption of electric scooters in India.

The Impact of Vegh Electric Scooters in India

The introduction of Vegh Electric Scooters has already made a considerable impact on India’s transportation landscape, with several notable effects:

Reduced Carbon Emissions: As more people switch from conventional fuel-powered scooters to electric scooters, the carbon emissions associated with the transportation sector are expected to decline significantly. This shift plays a crucial role in combating air pollution and addressing the climate crisis.

Mitigating Traffic Congestion: Electric scooters offer a nimble and efficient mode of transport, enabling riders to navigate through congested city streets more easily. By reducing traffic congestion, Electric scooters can contribute to shorter travel times and increased productivity.

Decreased Dependence on Fossil Fuels: The adoption of electric scooters reduces the country’s dependence on imported fossil fuels, promoting energy independence and enhancing national security.

Improved Air Quality and Public Health: With a reduction in tailpipe emissions, the air quality in urban areas is expected to improve, leading to healthier living conditions and a reduced burden on public health systems.

Overcoming Challenges

While the EV revolution in India is gaining momentum, several challenges remain that need to be addressed to accelerate the adoption of electric scooters:

a) Range Anxiety: Concerns about limited range and charging infrastructure are common among potential electric scooter buyers. To overcome range anxiety, continuous improvement in battery technology and the expansion of charging networks are essential.

b) Affordability and Awareness: Despite efforts to make electric scooters more affordable, price sensitivity remains a barrier for some consumers. Raising awareness about the long-term cost savings and environmental benefits of electric scooters can help overcome this challenge.

c) Charging Infrastructure: Although the government is actively investing in charging infrastructure, further expansion and optimization are required to support the growing number of electric scooters on the road.

d) Policy Consistency: Consistent and stable policies are vital to encourage investments in the electric mobility sector and provide clarity to manufacturers and consumers.


The EV revolution in India is gaining momentum, driven by the visionary efforts of companies like Vegh Automobiles. With their sustainable materials, cutting-edge technology, and focus on affordability, Vegh Electric Scooters exemplify the perfect blend of style, functionality, and eco-friendliness. Vegh Electric Scooters are playing a pivotal role in transforming India’s transportation landscape for a greener and more sustainable future by reducing carbon emissions, mitigating traffic congestion, and promoting sustainable urban commuting.

Stylish and Sustainable: A Closer Look at Vegh Electric Scooter Designs

Stylish and Sustainable: A Closer Look at Vegh Electric Scooter Designs

In the fast-paced world of urban transportation, electric scooters have become a popular choice for eco-conscious commuters seeking a sustainable and stylish alternative to traditional modes of travel. Among the numerous electric scooter brands, Vegh has emerged as a frontrunner, renowned for its practical designs that seamlessly blend aesthetics with sustainability. In this blog, we will explore the unique features and design elements of Vegh Electric Scooters that have made them a preferred choice for environmentally conscious riders.

Sleek and Modern Aesthetics

Vegh Electric Scooters are instantly recognizable by their sleek and modern design aesthetics. These scooters boast clean lines, smooth contours, and a minimalist approach that exudes sophistication and elegance. Whether cruising through bustling city streets or parked gracefully, a Vegh scooter turns heads with its eye-catching appearance. The emphasis on a polished exterior enhances the rider’s pride and promotes electric scooters as a fashionable and aspirational mode of transportation.

Ergonomic Design for Comfort

Beyond looks, Vegh scooters are designed with the rider’s comfort in mind. The ergonomic design ensures a comfortable and enjoyable riding experience, making them ideal for daily commuting or leisurely rides. From the comfortable handlebars to the cushioned and well-contoured seating, every element is carefully crafted to accommodate various rider sizes and preferences, reducing fatigue during extended journeys.


Vegh Electric Scooters are engineered to be lightweight, making them a practical choice for urban dwellers who often need to combine multiple modes of transportation. The scooters can be safely parked with an anti-theft alarm system, allowing riders to park them conveniently in tight spaces, such as offices, cafes, or apartments. This adds to the convenience factor and encourages the adoption of sustainable transportation options, reducing the carbon footprint of daily commutes.

Sustainable Materials

A key aspect that sets Vegh scooters apart is the brand’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Vegh prioritizes using eco-friendly materials in manufacturing, ensuring that their scooters have a minimal impact on the planet. From responsibly sourced metals to recyclable plastics, each component is chosen with sustainability in mind, promoting a greener and cleaner future for urban transportation.

Removable Battery Placement and Integration

Vegh scooters boast a seamless battery integration into the overall design, making them almost indistinguishable from conventional scooters. The battery placement is strategically positioned to maintain the scooter’s balance and stability while allowing easy access for charging. This clever integration enhances the scooter’s visual appeal and emphasizes the brand’s commitment to incorporating sustainable technology without compromising on style.

Advanced Lighting and Safety Features

Safety is paramount for Vegh, and their electric scooters have advanced lighting and safety features. Powerful LED headlights and taillights illuminate the path, ensuring visibility during nighttime rides. Vegh scooters also feature LED brake lights and turn signals, enhancing safety and promoting responsible riding practices.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Innovation is at the core of Vegh’s approach to electric scooter design. Each model is equipped with cutting-edge technology, such as intuitive digital display, 3-ride modes, and charging port, providing riders with real-time information and convenience at their fingertips. This technology integration elevates the user experience and aligns with Vegh’s vision of an intelligent, interconnected urban mobility system.

Customization Options

Recognizing the individuality of their riders, Vegh offers a range of customization options to cater to diverse tastes and preferences. From color variations to accessory add-ons, users can personalize their scooters to reflect their unique style while contributing to the brand’s commitment to sustainability.


Vegh Electric Scooters exemplify the perfect fusion of style, sustainability, and advanced technology in urban mobility solutions. With their sleek and modern aesthetics, ergonomic design, use of sustainable materials, and seamless battery integration, Vegh scooters elevate the image of electric scooters from mere functional devices to stylish and aspirational lifestyle choices. Vegh reinforces its position as a leader in the electric scooter industry by prioritizing safety features, adopting cutting-edge technology, and offering customization options. As more individuals recognize the importance of adopting eco-friendly transportation options, the demand for stylish and sustainable solutions like Vegh Electric Scooters is expected to grow. The brand’s commitment to blending aesthetics with environmental responsibility sets an inspiring example for the future of urban mobility, paving the way for a greener and more stylish world.

Maximizing Efficiency: Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Vegh Electric Scooter

Maximizing Efficiency: Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Vegh Electric Scooter

In recent years, the rise of electric scooters has transformed urban transportation, providing a convenient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective means of travel. Vegh Electric Scooters have garnered significant attention for their sleek design, advanced features, and commendable performance. However, owning an electric scooter is not just about making a smart purchase; it’s about maximizing efficiency to ensure you get the most out of your investment. In this blog, we will explore a series of tips and tricks to optimize your Vegh Electric Scooter’s efficiency, extending its battery life, increasing range, and enhancing overall performance.

Optimal Battery Care

The battery is the heart of any electric scooter, and how you treat it greatly influences its longevity and performance. To maximize efficiency, always follow these guidelines:

a) Charging Habits: Charge your scooter only when the battery level is moderately low (around 20-30%). Avoid frequent partial charges, as they contribute to battery degradation. Aim for full charge cycles whenever possible.

b) Parking: If you plan to park the scooter for an extended period, ensure the battery is neither fully charged nor completely drained. Aim for a charge level between 40-60% to prevent deterioration.

c) Temperature Considerations: Extreme temperatures can adversely affect battery performance. Avoid exposing your Vegh electric scooters to excessive heat or cold, as it can lead to capacity loss.

Smooth Riding Techniques

Efficient riding habits can significantly impact the range and overall performance of your electric scooter. Follow these tips to optimize your riding experience:

a) Acceleration and Braking: Avoid abrupt acceleration and harsh braking, as these actions waste energy and put unnecessary strain on the scooter’s components. Gradual acceleration and gentle braking extend battery life and enhance efficiency.

b) Terrain Awareness: Be mindful of the terrain you’re riding on. Uphill climbs consume more power, while downhill stretches can consume low energy. Plan your routes accordingly to maximize efficiency.

c) Weight Management: Electric scooters are designed to carry a specific weight limit. Carrying excess baggage or passengers may reduce range and performance. Stay within the recommended weight limit for optimal efficiency.

Regular Maintenance

Proper maintenance not only ensures your safety but also plays a crucial role in keeping your Vegh Electric Scooter running at its best. Here are essential maintenance tips:

a) Tyre Pressure: Check the tyre pressure regularly, as underinflated tires create more friction, decreasing efficiency. Keep the tires inflated to the recommended PSI level.

b) Lubrication: Periodically lubricate moving parts, such as the wheels and brakes, to reduce friction and increase the scooter’s overall efficiency.

c) Brake Adjustment: Ensure the brakes are properly adjusted and not rubbing against the wheel, as this can cause energy wastage and decrease the scooter’s range.

Energy-Saving Modes

Most modern electric scooters, including Vegh models, offer different riding modes that cater to various needs. Common modes include Eco, Normal, and Sport. When efficiency is your priority, choose the Eco mode to conserve battery power and extend the range. Only switch to higher-performance modes when necessary.

Avoid Overloading Features

Electric scooters often come with various extra features, such as LED lights, charging connectors, and other battery-consuming accessories. While these add-ons can be convenient and fun to use, they also draw power from the battery. Limiting their use when maximizing efficiency is crucial.


Owning a Vegh Electric Scooter opens up a world of possibilities for efficient and eco-friendly urban transportation. To ensure you get the most out of your scooter, follow these tips: take care of the battery, adopt smooth riding techniques, perform regular maintenance, use energy-saving modes, and avoid overloading features. Maximizing efficiency can extend your scooter’s battery life, increase its range, and enjoy a smooth, enjoyable riding experience for years to come. Embrace these practices and lead towards sustainable mobility with your Vegh Electric Scooter. If you are looking for a stylish and durable electric scooter for your family, we suggest you check out the all-new Vegh S60. The new Vegh S60 is an economical high-speed electric scooter that delivers a driving range of up to 120 Km on a single charge. The scooter comes with the standard combined braking system, hydraulic suspension, and a digital display to cover all your mobility needs. 

Bringing Joy to Elderly Riders: The Accessibility and Benefits of Vegh Electric Scooters

best Electric Scooter in India (6)

As our population continues to age, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize the well-being and happiness of our elderly citizens. Mobility is a crucial factor in maintaining independence and quality of life for older individuals. In recent years, electric scooters have emerged as an innovative solution, providing a convenient and accessible mode of transportation. Vegh Electric Scooters are at the forefront of this movement, offering a range of features specifically designed to meet the needs of elderly riders. In this blog, we will explore the accessibility and benefits of Vegh Electric Scooters in enhancing the lives of our aging population.

Enhanced Accessibility

When it comes to choosing a mode of transportation, elderly riders often face unique challenges. Vegh Electric Scooters have actively addressed these challenges through their commitment to accessibility. One of the standout features of Vegh electric scooters is their ergonomic design, ensuring maximum comfort for riders with limited mobility. These scooters are built with wider seats and handlebars, allowing users to find their ideal riding position. Additionally, they offer a low step-through design, making it easy for individuals with limited mobility or joint issues to mount and dismount the scooter effortlessly.

Furthermore, Vegh Electric Scooters incorporate intuitive controls that are easy to operate, even for those unfamiliar with modern technology. The scooters boast a user-friendly interface, featuring large buttons and a clear display, enabling riders to navigate their journeys without any hassle. With added safety features such as powerful LED lights, turn signals, and rearview mirrors, Vegh Electric Scooters ensure that elderly riders can confidently navigate both daytime and nighttime rides.

Benefits for Elderly Riders

Electric scooters not only address the accessibility needs of elderly riders but also offer numerous benefits that contribute to their overall well-being. Firstly, the ability to enjoy fresh air and the outdoors is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional health. Vegh Electric Scooters provide an opportunity for elderly riders to explore their surroundings, engage with their communities, and reconnect with nature. This newfound freedom can have a profound impact on their sense of independence and happiness.

Secondly, The health benefits of using Vegh Electric Scooters are numerous. Regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being, especially for older adults. Riding an electric scooter provides a low-impact form of exercise that helps improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen muscles, and enhance joint flexibility. It also promotes mental well-being by allowing seniors to engage with their surroundings, interact with others, and enjoy the outdoors.

Social isolation and loneliness are prevalent issues among the elderly population. Vegh Electric Scooters can play a significant role in combating these problems by enabling seniors to participate in social activities and maintain connections with friends and family. Whether it’s joining a group of fellow riders for a scenic outing or simply visiting a local café, these scooters empower seniors to remain active and engaged within their communities.

Furthermore, electric scooters offer a cost-effective mode of transportation for elderly riders. With rising fuel and public transportation costs, owning a Vegh Electric Scooter provides significant savings in the long run. These scooters are powered by rechargeable batteries, reducing the need for frequent fuel or ticket purchases. Moreover, they have a long battery life, ensuring that riders can travel for extended periods without worrying about running out of power.

Community Impact

The benefits of Vegh Electric Scooters extend beyond the individual rider. These scooters promote social interactions and community engagement among elderly individuals. With increased mobility, riders can participate in social events, visit friends and family, and take part in community activities. Electric scooters facilitate a sense of belonging and connectedness, reducing the feelings of isolation experienced by many older individuals.

In addition to benefiting elderly individuals, Vegh Electric Scooters also contribute to creating more age-friendly cities and communities. As more seniors embrace electric scooters as a means of transportation, there is a growing demand for infrastructure improvements, such as accessible pathways and charging stations. This shift towards more inclusive urban design benefits not only the elderly but also people with disabilities and other individuals who rely on mobility aids.


 In conclusion, Vegh Electric Scooters are revolutionizing mobility options for the elderly, bringing joy, accessibility, and numerous benefits to their lives. These scooters offer a safe and comfortable mode of transportation, promoting physical activity, social interaction, and independence. As society continues to prioritize the well-being of older adults, innovations like Vegh Electric Scooters play a crucial role in creating age-friendly communities and ensuring that seniors can enjoy their golden years to the fullest.

Government Laws and Regulations for Vegh Electric Scooters: All You Need to Know

Vegh Electric Scooters

With growing concerns about environmental sustainability and the need for efficient urban transportation options, electric scooters have gained immense popularity in India. However, as with any mode of transportation, there are laws and regulations that govern their usage to ensure safety and order on the roads. In this article, we will explore the laws and regulations pertaining to Vegh electric scooter, helping you stay informed and ride responsibly.

Licensing and Registration

To operate a Vegh electric scooter in India, one must hold a valid driving licence. For scooters with a motor power below 25 km/h such as the Vegh S25 and Vegh L25, a licence is not mandatory. However, for higher-powered models such as the new Vegh S60, an appropriate category of licence is required. Additionally, it is necessary to register the vehicle with the Regional Transport Office (RTO). This involves providing necessary documents such as proof of address, proof of identity, and insurance papers.

Speed Limit

Vegh electric scooters are subjected to   speed limits prescribed by law. In most states, the maximum speed limit for vehicles is set as per the roads and it is crucial to adhere to these limits to maintain safety on the roads and avoid legal repercussions.

Safety Gear

India’s traffic rules mandate the use of safety gear while riding electric scooters. Riders are required to wear a helmet, ensuring head protection in case of accidents. While it may seem like an obvious requirement, it is essential to prioritise safety while enjoying the convenience of Vegh electric scooters.


Just like any other vehicle, Vegh electric scooters must be insured. Third-party insurance must be purchased for all electric scooters to cover potential damages or injuries caused to others in a road accident. Comprehensive insurance is also highly recommended to protect against theft, damage, and personal injuries. Vegh Automobiles understands the importance of insurance and offers insurance policies for the customers during their purchase at Vegh dealerships

Number Plate and Indicators

As per Indian law, Vegh electric scooters must display a legible number plate. The plate should be affixed in a proper manner and display the registration number issued by the RTO. Additionally, electric scooters must have functioning indicators to signal turns or lane changes, ensuring the safety of the rider and surrounding motorists.

Prohibited Areas

Vegh electric scooters are not permitted on expressways in India, as they are categorised as low-speed vehicles. It is crucial to be aware of these restrictions and respect them to avoid any legal consequences or accidents.


When it comes to parking Vegh electric scooters, riders should abide by local parking rules and regulations. Most cities in India provide designated parking spots for two-wheelers. Parking in no-parking zones or obstructing pedestrian walkways is strictly prohibited and can result in fines or towing of the vehicle.

Tax Benefits

To promote the adoption of electric scooters and reduce pollution, the Indian government offers tax benefits on the purchase of electric vehicles (EVs). Buyers can avail of income tax deductions under Section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and state-specific incentives such as subsidies, reduced road tax, and waiver of registration fees. These incentives make electric scooters a more affordable and sustainable mobility option.


As Electric Scooters continue to gain popularity in India, it is crucial to be familiar with and abide by the laws and regulations surrounding their usage. From licensing and registration to safety gear and speed limits, compliance ensures the safety of riders and others on the road. By staying informed and adhering to these guidelines, we can all contribute to a greener and safer future for urban transportation in India.

The Benefits of Vegh Electric Scooters for College Students

Vegh Electric Scooters

As the population in India keeps growing, transportation has become a significant issue for college students. With congested roads and public transportation that is unreliable, electric scooters have started to emerge as a popular transportation alternative for college-goers in India. Electric scooters offer a host of benefits, such as affordability, convenience, and environmental sustainability. In this blog post, we will explore the different ways that Vegh electric scooters can benefit college students in India.


One of the primary advantages of Vegh electric scooters is their affordability. They are much cheaper than traditional petrol-run vehicles and are ideal for college students who are on a tight budget. Moreover, electric scooters require little maintenance. College students who may not have the resources to maintain a traditional fuel-run vehicle can opt for an electric scooter. Those who opt for electric scooters benefit from lower insurance and registration costs when compared to traditional petrol-run vehicles.


Vegh electric scooters are incredibly convenient to use. They  can maneuver through traffic jams and narrow streets effortlessly, making them an ideal mode of transportation for college students. With the prevalence of two-wheeler rental services, like Rapido and many others, college students have the option of renting these electric scooters from designated locations in urban areas.For students who live off-campus, Vegh electric scooters offer the perfect solution for transportation between college, home, and other frequently visited destinations. 

Environmental Sustainability

One of the main concerns for college students today is the impact of transportation on the environment. Transport is responsible for around 15% of the global greenhouse gas emissions, and with increasing pollution levels, electric scooters offer an ideal solution for eco-conscious college students. Vegh Electric scooters are environmentally sustainable, producing zero emissions when in use. This means that they do not contribute to air pollution or other environmental hazards. Unlike traditional vehicles, which use non-renewable fossil fuels, electric scooters are powered by electricity and have a negligible carbon footprint. This makes them an ideal mode of transportation for college students who are keen on reducing their carbon footprint and contributing to a greener future.


Vegh electric scooters are designed to be safer than traditional petrol-run vehicles. The New model Vegh S60  is equipped with safety features such as a combined braking system and disc-brakes which ensure that the vehicle comes to a halt quickly. Additionally, Electric scooters have a lower center of gravity, thereby reducing the risk of accidents. This makes them an ideal mode of transportation for college students, who are often inexperienced and may be more prone to accidents.


Vegh electric scooters provide the flexibility to plan one’s own schedule. Students who opt for electric scooters do not have to wait in long queues for public transportation. They can instead plan their time more effectively, taking care of their transportation needs as and when they need to. College students who use electric scooters also have the option of exploring the city and experiencing new aspects of life outside of the campus.


Vegh electric scooters can save college students a lot of time. During peak traffic hours in most Indian cities, public transportation can be slow, inconvenient, and overwhelming. On the other hand, electric scooters are faster and easily maneuverable, allowing college students to get to their destination on time. By choosing electric scooters over traditional transportation choices, students can save time and energy and use it for more productive tasks.

Low Maintenance

Vegh electric scooters need less maintenance. They have fewer parts that get damaged and need replacement than traditional petrol vehicles. Because of this, they are more dependable and less prone to breaking down. There’s no oil change required, and battery maintenance is minimal and can be done in a few hours. This makes them the perfect option for college students who have busy schedules and may not have the time or resources to maintain a traditional vehicle.


Vegh Electric scooters offer a range of benefits for college students in India. They are affordable, convenient, environmentally sustainable, and relatively safer than traditional petrol-run vehicles. They also offer students greater flexibility and the freedom to travel at their convenience. As the country’s population continues to grow, and the demand for transportation increases, electric scooters are quickly becoming the go-to transportation choice for college students in India. If you are looking to buy an electric scooter for college commute, we suggest you check the all new Vegh S60. The New Vegh S60 comes with exciting features such as combined braking system, 3 ride modes and a wider seat to give you a comforting ride! 

​​Vegh Electric Scooters: A Game Changer for Urban Mobility

Vegh electric Scooters A Game Changer for Urban Mobility

India’s urban population is growing at an unprecedented rate, and with it, the demand for efficient and eco-friendly modes of transportation. Vegh electric scooters have emerged as a game-changer in the urban mobility market, offering a cost-effective, low-emission alternative to traditional vehicles. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the benefits of Vegh electric scooters in India, the current state of the market, and the potential for future growth.

The Benefits Vegh Electric Scooters for Urban Mobility

Vegh Electric scooters offer several benefits over traditional vehicles in India. Here are a few of the most significant:

Cost-Effective: Vegh electric scooters are significantly cheaper to operate than traditional petrol vehicles, with lower fuel costs and reduced maintenance expenses. This makes them an attractive option for people looking to save money on transportation.

Eco-Friendly: Vegh electric scooters emit zero emissions and are therefore much better for the environment than traditional vehicles. With India facing severe air pollution problems, electric scooters offer a much-needed solution to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

Easy to Use:  Vegh electric scooters are lightweight and easy to maneuver, making them ideal for navigating through India’s congested cities. They are also much easier to park and store than traditional vehicles, which can be a significant advantage in crowded urban areas.

Noise Pollution: Vegh electric scooters produce much less noise pollution than traditional vehicles, making them a more peaceful and less disruptive mode of transportation.

Current State of the Electric Scooter Market in India

The electric scooter market in India is still in its early stages, but it is growing rapidly. According to a report by, the electric scooter market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 36.3% between 2020 and 2025.

Currently, there are several established electric scooter brands in India, such as Vegh automobiles. They offer a range of electric scooters with varying features and price points, making them accessible to a wide range of customers in the urban areas. Vegh automobiles is  focused on developing innovative new electric scooter models and technologies, and driving competition and innovation in the industry.

Challenges Facing the Electric Scooter Market in Urban Areas 

Despite the potential for growth, there are several challenges facing the electric scooter market in urban areas. Here are a few of the most significant:

  1. Lack of Infrastructure: One of the biggest challenges facing the electric scooter market in India is the lack of infrastructure to support electric vehicles. This includes a lack of charging stations, which can make it difficult for people to charge their electric scooters while on the go.
  2. Lack of Awareness: Many people in India are still not aware of the benefits of electric scooters, and there is a lack of education about the technology and features of these vehicles. This can make it difficult for electric scooter companies to sell their products to customers.
  3. Price Sensitivity: While electric scooters are generally cheaper to operate than traditional vehicles, the upfront cost of purchasing an electric scooter can be a barrier for many people in India. This is especially true for people with lower income households in the cities  who may not be able to afford the higher upfront cost of an electric scooter.
  4. Government Regulations: The Indian government has implemented several regulations and policies to promote the adoption of electric vehicles, but there is still a lack of clarity and consistency in these policies. This can make it difficult for electric scooter companies to plan and invest in the market.

Future of the Electric Scooter Market in Urban areas

Despite the challenges facing the electric scooter market in urban areas, there is significant potential for growth in the coming years. Here are a few factors that could drive growth in the market:

  1. Government Support: The Indian government has implemented several policies and incentives to promote the adoption of electric vehicles, including electric scooters. This support could help to drive growth in the market and make electric scooters more accessible to a wider range of customers.
  2. Infrastructure Development: As more people adopt electric vehicles, there will be a growing need for charging stations and other infrastructure to support these vehicles. This presents an opportunity for companies to invest in infrastructure development and help to drive growth in the market.
  3. Innovation: The electric scooter market in India is still in its early stages, and there is significant potential for innovation and new technologies. Startups and established companies such as Vegh Automobiles  are investing in research and development to create new and innovative electric scooter models that could help to drive growth in the market.


Vegh electric scooters have emerged as a game-changer in the urban mobility market in India, offering a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and easy-to-use alternative to traditional petrol vehicles. While there are several challenges facing the electric scooter market in urban areas, there is significant potential for growth in the coming years. With government support, infrastructure development, and innovation, the electric scooter market in urban areas could transform the way people get around in the country’s rapidly growing cities.

Riding Modes in Vegh Electric Scooters: Key things you must know

Riding Modes in Vegh Electric Scooters Key things you must know

Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular in India due to their eco-friendliness, low maintenance costs, and ease of use. However, one important aspect that riders must consider before buying an electric scooter is the riding modes that it offers. Riding modes are different settings that control the performance of the scooter, such as speed, acceleration, and battery life. In this article, we will discuss the key things you must know about riding modes in Vegh electric scooters in India.

What are Riding Modes in Electric Scooters?

Riding modes are different settings that control the performance of the electric scooter. They are designed to optimize the scooter’s performance based on the rider’s needs and the road conditions. Vegh electric scooters come with three types of riding modes: Eco mode, Normal mode, and Performance mode.

  • Eco mode: This mode is designed for maximum energy efficiency. It limits the speed and acceleration of the scooter, which in turn extends the battery life. Eco mode is ideal for riders who want to conserve energy and travel longer distances on a single charge.
  • Normal mode: This is the default mode for most electric scooters. It offers a balanced performance between speed, acceleration, and battery life. Normal mode is suitable for everyday use and is ideal for riders who want a comfortable and efficient ride.
  • Performance  mode: This mode is designed for maximum performance and speed. It offers the highest acceleration and top speed of the scooter. This mode is ideal for riders who want a thrilling and exciting ride.

Importance of Riding Modes in Indian Roads

Indian roads are known for their chaotic traffic and unpredictable road conditions. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose the right riding mode for your Vegh Automobiles electric scooters to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. Here are some reasons why the riding mode of your Vegh electric scooter is important in Indian roads:

Maneuverability in heavy traffic:  Indian roads are notorious for their heavy traffic, especially during peak hours. In such situations, it’s important to choose a riding mode that limits the speed and acceleration of the scooter, making it easier to maneuver through traffic. Eco mode is the best option in such situations, as it limits the power output of the scooter, making it more efficient and easier to handle.

Safety on open roads: Indian highways and expressways can be dangerous, especially for inexperienced riders. In such situations, it’s important to choose a riding mode that offers maximum stability and control over the scooter. Performance  mode is the best option in such situations, as it offers maximum acceleration and top speed, making it easier to overtake other vehicles and maintain a safe distance from them.

Battery life management: The riding mode of  Vegh your electric scooter also affects its battery life. Eco mode is the best option for conserving battery life, as it limits the power output of the scooter, making it more efficient and extending the battery life. On the other hand, Sport mode drains the battery faster, making it unsuitable for longer rides.

Weather conditions: Indian weather can be unpredictable, with sudden rain and thunderstorms. In such situations, it’s important to choose a riding mode that offers maximum stability and control over the scooter. Eco mode is the best option in such situations, as it limits the speed and acceleration of the scooter, making it easier to handle in wet and slippery conditions.

Rider experience: Finally, the riding mode of your Vegh electric scooter also affects your overall riding experience. If you’re looking for a comfortable and efficient ride, Normal mode is the best option. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a thrilling and exciting ride, performance mode is the best option.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Riding Modes

When choosing a riding mode, there are several factors that you must consider. These include:

  • Road conditions: As mentioned earlier, the road conditions play a significant role in choosing a riding mode. If you are riding on a busy road with heavy traffic, Eco mode is the best option. On the other hand, if you are riding on an open road with fewer obstacles, performance mode is the best option.
  • Traffic situations: Indian roads are known for their unpredictable traffic situations. Therefore, it is essential to choose a riding mode that allows you to react quickly to sudden changes in traffic.
  • Battery life: Riding modes have a significant impact on the battery life of the scooter. Eco mode extends the battery life, while performance mode drains the battery faster. Therefore, it is essential to choose a riding mode that balances the performance and battery life of the scooter.


In conclusion, riding modes are an essential aspect of electric scooters that riders must consider before buying one. They play a significant role in optimizing the performance of the scooter based on the rider’s needs and the road conditions. When choosing a riding mode, it is essential to consider the road conditions, traffic situations, and battery life of the scooter. By choosing the right riding mode, riders can have a comfortable, efficient, and safe ride. If you are looking for a budget friendly EV with convenient riding modes, we suggest you check Vegh Automobiles Electric Scooters that offer 3 riding modes designed to elevate your riding experience.

Battery power and peak motor power in Electric scooters: All you Need to know

Vegh electric scooters

Electric scooters in India have revolutionized the way we commute, offering a convenient, eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional modes of transportation. However, with so many electric scooter models available in the market, it can be challenging to identify the best one for your needs. Two critical factors that play a significant role in determining the performance of an electric scooter are battery power and peak motor power. In this blog, we’ll take a deep dive into these essential components of electric scooters in India, providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision when purchasing an electric scooter.

Battery Power

Battery power is a critical factor to consider when choosing an electric scooter. It refers to the amount of energy that the battery can store and provide to the motor, usually measured in watt-hours or ampere-hours. The higher the battery power, the longer the range of the scooter. Lithium-ion batteries are the most commonly used in modern Electric Scooters in India due to their high energy density, low self-discharge rate, and long lifespan. However, several factors can affect the battery power of an electric scooter. 

Factors Affecting Battery Power

Several factors can affect the battery power of an electric scooter, including temperature, terrain, and usage. Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can reduce battery life and performance. Riding on hills and rough terrain can also drain the battery faster than riding on flat ground. Finally, the way the electric scooter is ridden can affect battery life, with aggressive acceleration and braking using more energy than smooth, gradual movements.

Peak Motor Power

Peak motor power is the maximum power output that an electric scooter’s motor can achieve. It is measured in watts or kilowatts and represents the highest power that the motor can produce. This power is important for riders who require high performance and acceleration, such as those who need to climb hills or carry heavy loads. However, it is important to note that peak motor power is not sustainable for long periods and can cause the motor to overheat or become damaged. Therefore, riders must balance peak motor power with continuous motor power to ensure optimal performance and safety.

Differences Between Peak Motor Power and Continuous Motor Power

Peak motor power and continuous motor power are two important factors to consider when choosing  Electric scooters in India. Peak motor power is the maximum power output that the motor can achieve, usually measured in watts or kilowatts, and represents the highest power that the motor can produce in short bursts.

Continuous motor power, on the other hand, is the power output that the motor can sustain over long periods without overheating or becoming damaged.

While peak motor power is important for riders who require high performance and acceleration, continuous motor power is more important for riders who need to travel long distances or climb steep hills. Therefore, it is essential to find the right balance between peak motor power and continuous motor power to ensure optimal performance and safety.

Factors Affecting Peak Motor Power

Several factors can affect the peak motor power of Electric Scooters in India, including weight, incline, and wind resistance. Heavier riders or those carrying heavy loads will require more power to accelerate and maintain speed. Riding up hills or inclines will also require more power than riding on flat ground. Finally, wind resistance can also affect peak motor power, with headwinds requiring more power to maintain speed.

Tips for Optimizing Peak Motor Power

To optimize the peak motor power of an electric scooter, there are several tips to follow. First, keep the weight of the rider and any cargo as low as possible to reduce the power required to accelerate and maintain speed. Second, try to avoid steep inclines whenever possible, as these will require more power to climb. Third, ride with the wind whenever possible to reduce wind resistance and conserve power. Finally, avoid sudden, aggressive movements that can strain the motor and reduce its performance.

Comparison of Battery Power and Peak Motor Power

It is important to balance battery power and peak motor power when choosing an electric scooter. A scooter with a high battery capacity and low motor power will have a longer range but may struggle to accelerate or climb hills. A scooter with a high motor power and low battery capacity will have excellent performance but may have a shorter range. The key is to find the right balance for your needs, whether that is a long-range scooter for commuting or a high-performance scooter for recreational use.

There are many electric scooters available in India with different battery and motor power configurations. For example, Vegh electric scooters come in a range of EVs that have different battery and motor power configurations, the newly launched Vegh S60 comes with a 3 KW Battery and 2.5 KWH Peak motor power which gives it a range of upto 120 kms. 


Battery power and peak motor power are two critical factors to consider when choosing an electric scooter in India. By understanding how these factors affect electric scooters and following the tips for optimizing their performance, riders can maximize their range and performance while enjoying a safe and efficient ride. If you are looking for an efficient and performance based electric scooter for your needs, we suggest you check Vegh electric scooters, the newly launched Vegh S60 has impressive features, a powerful battery pack and a durable body to meet all your commuting needs.