The Significance of Safety Features in Electric Scooters in India

The Significance of Safety Features in electric scooters in India

In recent years, electric scooters have become an increasingly popular mode of transportation in India. With many benefits, such as being environmentally friendly and affordable, more people are considering electric scooters as an alternative to traditional vehicles. However, as the number of electric scooters on Indian roads continues to grow, so does the importance of safety features to protect riders and other road users from potential accidents. In this blog post, we will explore the significant safety features found in electric scooters in India and why they are necessary for ensuring rider safety and reducing the number of accidents on the roads.

Anti-theft Alarms 

Anti-theft alarms are electronic security devices that alert the owner of unauthorized access or movement of the vehicle. These alarms are designed to detect movement, vibration, or any forced access to the vehicle. As soon as the alarm is triggered, it produces loud sounds and flashing lights as a warning system to alert the owner or passersby of the potential theft. One of the key benefits of anti-theft alarms is that they can deter potential thieves from attempting to steal the vehicle. When thieves see or hear an activated alarm, they are more likely to abandon their attempt and find another target. Electric scooters with anti-theft alarms also often come with features such as motion detection, which allows owners to detect if their vehicle has been moved without authorization. 

Remote Keys

Another safety feature found in electric scooters in India is remote keys. Remote keys allow the owner to lock and unlock the scooter from a distance without physically engaging with the vehicle. This is particularly helpful when parking the scooter in a crowded area where it is difficult to access the lock. Remote keys can also include additional security features such as immobilizers and alarms. Immobilizers are designed to prevent the scooter from starting unless the correct remote key is used. This adds an extra layer of security against theft. Electric scooter manufacturers in India have recognized the importance of safety features. Many brands like Vegh electric scooters now offer advanced safety features, including anti-theft alarms and remote keys. These features not only provide peace of mind to owners but can also help to deter theft and protect the investment in their vehicle.

Park Mode

Park mode is an essential safety feature in electric scooters in India that helps improve overall safety for riders and others on the road. When engaged, park mode ensures that the scooter remains stationary even when parked on uneven terrain or a slope. This reduces the risk of accidents caused by sudden movements of the scooter while stationary, such as rolling forward or backward unexpectedly. Park mode also prevents unauthorized access to the scooter as it cannot be moved without disengaging the park mode first. Overall, park mode is an indispensable safety feature in electric scooters that improves the rider’s safety and offers peace of mind when parking in various environments.

Combined Braking System 

Combined Braking System (CBS) is a safety feature that is designed to improve the braking performance of two-wheelers. It is particularly important for Electric Scooters in India, where traffic conditions can be unpredictable and road safety is a major concern. CBS works by linking the front and rear brakes of the scooter, so that when the rider applies the rear brake, the front brake is also automatically applied to help slow down the scooter more quickly and efficiently. This can help to reduce the risk of accidents and improve the overall safety of the rider. By implementing CBS in their electric scooters, brands like Vegh electric scooters are improving the safety of their products and help to build trust and credibility with customers. 

The benefits of having safety features in electric scooters in India

  1. Increased Rider Safety: Safety features such as CBS, sturdy frame design, responsive acceleration and deceleration, large wheels, LED headlights, turn signals, remote keys, and anti-theft alarms all contribute to the overall safety of the rider. These features reduce the risk of accidents, making electric scooters a safer mode of transportation for riders.
  2. Reduced Risk of Accidents: Electric scooters equipped with safety features help reduce accidents caused by braking failures, poor visibility, and unstable terrain or road conditions. This makes the roads safer for all users, not just scooter riders.
  3. Protection of Investment: Safety features such as anti-theft alarms, remote keys, and park mode protect riders’ investment in electric scooters. These features deter theft attempts and keep the scooter secure when parked, minimizing the risk of loss or damage to the vehicle.
  4. Increased Confidence: Safety features give riders confidence when operating their electric scooter. Knowing that the scooter has features such as ABS, LED headlights, and turn signals allows the rider to focus more on the road and less on potential hazards.
  5. Legal Compliance: Electric scooters with safety features comply with legal requirements, ensuring that riders do not face any legal issues related to the use of their vehicles.


Overall, safety should be a top priority when purchasing an electric scooter. Investing in safety features such as anti-theft alarms, remote keys, and Park mode can help protect your scooter from theft and ensure a safe and enjoyable riding experience. All these features enhance rider safety, reduce accidents, and protect drivers, riders, and other road users. As electric scooter manufacturers continue improving their products with advanced safety features, riders must prioritize safety and select models with the appropriate safety features. By doing so, we can create a safer road environment for all users and enjoy the benefits of electric scooter transportation without compromising our safety. Check out Vegh electric scooters if you want a safe and durable EV for your family. The New Vegh S60 has several best-in-class features, including a combined braking system, park mode, reverse mode, anti-theft alarm, and remote key.


What To Do If Your Electric Scooter Gets Stolen In India: A Complete Guide

What Do To Do If Your Electric Scooter Gets Stolen In India A Complete Guide

With the rise of electric scooters in India, it’s not surprising that theft is becoming a common issue. Losing your prized possession to thieves can be devastating, and figuring out what steps to take can be overwhelming. Whether you’re a first-time scooter owner or have been riding for years, knowing how to protect yourself against theft and what measures you should take if the worst happens is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about dealing with electric scooter theft in India. From preventative measures to legal options, read our complete guide on what to do if your electric scooter gets stolen in India!

What to do if your scooter gets stolen

If your scooter gets stolen in India, you should first file a police report. This will help the police to keep an eye out for your scooter and may also help you to get compensated if your insurance company covers theft.

The next step is to contact your insurance company and let them know that your scooter has been stolen. They will likely require a copy of the police report and other documentation before they process your claim.

Once you have filed a police report and contacted your insurance company, you can do a few things to try to recover electric scooters in India. You can post about the theft on social media or online forums in hopes that someone has seen it or knows where it is. You can also check with local scooter rental companies or dealerships if they have heard of any recent thefts in the area

Filing a police report

If your electric scooter is stolen in India, you must file a police report. This can be done by going to the nearest police station and filling out a report form. Ensure to include all relevant details about the theft, such as when and where it occurred, and a scooter description. Once the report is filed, the police will begin their investigation. 

What to do if the police can’t find your scooter

If the police can’t find your scooter, the best thing to do is file a report with the road transport department. Include as much information about the scooter as possible, such as make, model, and serial number. You should also include a scooter description, colour, and unique features. If you have any surveillance footage of the theft, be sure to give that to the police as well. You should also contact your insurance provider and file a claim. Depending on the type of coverage you have, they can help cover the costs of replacing the scooter.  Lastly, watch online marketplaces for second-hand scooters, some stolen electric scooters in India are often seen turning up there for sale.

How to get compensated for your stolen scooter 

If you have had your electric scooter stolen in India, there are a few steps you can take to try and get compensated. First, you will need to file a police report. This is important for insurance purposes and to try and track down your stolen scooter. Once you have filed a police report, you should contact your insurance company. If you have scooter insurance, they can help you recoup some of the costs of your stolen scooter. It is important to remember that getting compensated for a stolen scooter can be difficult, and it may not always be possible. However, if you are proactive in filing a police report and reaching out to the appropriate companies, you may get some form of compensation.

How to prevent your scooter from getting stolen

If you’re an electric scooter owner in India, chances are you’ve already had your scooter stolen or at least know someone who has. In a country where two-wheelers are the predominant mode of transportation, it’s no surprise that scooter theft is rampant. 

Here are some tips to prevent your scooter from getting stolen:

  1. Lock your scooter with a high-quality chain and padlock. This will deter would-be thieves looking for an easy target.
  2. Park your scooter in a well-lit, busy area whenever possible. Thieves are less likely to steal a scooter that’s in plain sight.
  3. Invest in a good alarm system for your scooter. Many affordable options on the market will make a loud noise if someone tries to tamper with your scooter. However, brands like Vegh electric scooters come with a built in security alarm option. 
  4. Always remove the key from the ignition when not using your scooter. This will make it much more difficult for a thief to hotwire and drive off with your scooter. For added security, if you are buying a new electric scooter, choose the ones that come with remote keys such as Vegh electric scooters
  5.  Keep a record of your scooter’s serial number and other identifying information in case it does get stolen. This will help the police recover your scooter if it’s recovered.

Following these tips can help protect your scooter from theft and give you peace of mind when parking it in public places.


Losing electric scooters in India can be a devastating experience, but there are ways to reduce the risk of theft or recover it if it does get stolen. By following these tips, you can ensure that your scooter is safe and secure. If it does, unfortunately, get stolen, report the incident to the police as soon as possible – they may be able to help you track down the thief or at least provide advice on what other steps you should take next.

Electric Scooter Accessories in India: All you need to know

Electric Scooter Accessories in India: All you need to know

Are you looking for an effortless and eco-friendly mode for your daily commute? Look no further than e scooters in India! And while owning an e-scooter is important, accessories can enhance your ride and make your commute safer and more comfortable. From helmets to phone holders, there are plenty of add-ons available to make your journey even more enjoyable. In this blog post, we’ll explore all you need to know about electric scooter accessories in India – so you can ride with style and safety!

Why is it important to buy accessories for electric scooters?

Accessories are just as important as the scooter itself. Not only do they add to the aesthetic of your ride, but they also play a crucial role in improving  performance and ride quality of e scooters in India. Here are a few reasons why you should invest in electric scooter accessories:

  1. They improve the safety of your ride: One of the most important reasons to invest in accessories for e scooters in India is for safety purposes. Accessories like helmets, lights, and reflectors help improve visibility on the road, making it safer for you and other motorists.
  2. They help prolong the life of your scooter: Another benefit of investing in accessories is that they help protect your scooter from wear and tear. For instance, a good quality cover will keep your scooter clean and dry when not in use, which will help prolong its life.
  3. They make your ride more comfortable: While brands like Vegh electric scooters do provide sculpted seats, backrests and footrests, some Electric scooters can be quite uncomfortable, especially if they do not have essential components for comfort. But with the right accessories, you can make your ride much more comfortable. A seat cushion or backrest can make all the difference regarding long rides.
  4. They add to the aesthetic of your scooter: With the right accessories, you can definitely up your electric scooter style quotient. Decals, stickers, and custom paint jobs can turn a boring electric scooter into a head-turner.

Electric scooter accessories in India

There are a few electric scooter accessories in India that you must have if you’re planning to use one. Here’s a list of the essential electric scooter accessories: 

  1. A helmet- This is a must-have accessory in India and anywhere else in the world. A helmet provides protection against head injuries during an accident. 
  2. A good quality charger- This is the most important accessory for e scooters in India as they can help you charge your phone on the go. Make sure you buy a good quality charger from a reputable brand.
  3. A lock- While Vegh electric scooters come with a security alarm system and anti-theft locks, if you own electric from some other brand, a safety lock is an important accessory, especially if you park your electric scooter outdoors. A good quality lock will deter thieves and keep your scooter safe.
  4. A cover – This is an optional accessory, but getting a cover for your electric scooter is a good idea. It will protect your scooter from the elements and keep it clean when it’s not in use.
  5. Lights – You should also invest in a good set of lights for your electric scooter, as they will help you to be seen on the roads and ensure your safety.
  6. A puncture kit – This is another optional accessory, but it’s a good idea to always have a puncture kit with you. That way, if you get a flat tire, you can fix it quickly and easily without needing help.
  7. Batteries- Depending on the model of your electric scooter, you may need to buy additional batteries to have longer rides. Ensure you buy good quality batteries and check the manufacturer’s instructions before installing them.
  8. A toolkit- This is a must-have accessory if you want to repair and maintain your electric scooter yourself.  Brands like Vegh electric  scooters have a self-repair option with auto repair mode, but if you own other electric scooters, ensure you get a good-quality toolkit with all the necessary tools and equipment.

Things to keep in mind while buying accessories

When you are out buying electric scooter accessories, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind: 

-The first thing that you need to keep in mind is the purpose of the accessory. Do you need it for protection? Or do you want it for aesthetics? Depending on your need, you can narrow your search and look at products that serve that specific purpose.

-It is also important to remember the budget you have set aside for the purchase. There is no point in spending too much on an accessory that you might not even use frequently. Set a realistic budget and stick to it.

-Do some research before finalizing a product. Read reviews online and see what other people have to say about it. It will give you a fair idea about its quality and performance.

-Finally, ensure the accessory is compatible with your electric scooter model. Checking this beforehand will save you a lot of hassle later on.

It would be best to remember these things while buying electric scooter accessories. With these pointers, you can make an informed decision and get the right product for your needs.


As e scooters in India  become increasingly popular in India due to their convenience, affordability, and eco-friendly features, it is essential to invest in essential accessories that can make your ride safer, smoother, and even more stylish. We hope this article has provided you with all the information you need about electric scooter accessories in India so that you can find the perfect additions for your vehicle!

How to choose the Best Tyres for Electric Scooters in India?

How to choose the best tyres for electric scooters in India?


A scooter is an integral part of Indian roads, and while a lot of focus has been put on petrol scooters, e scooters in India are becoming increasingly popular. However, it is essential to understand that electric scooters require extra care regarding maintenance, especially tyres. The wrong type of tyre can drastically reduce the performance of your electric scooter and, even worse, compromise its safety. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of tyres available for e scooters in India and how to choose the best one for your needs. We will also discuss factors you should consider when choosing the right tyre for your electric scooter. Read on to know more!

Different types of tyres available in the market

The market for electric scooter tyres is growing in India. Many types of tyres are available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The best tyres for electric scooters will depend on the intended use of the scooter.

For example, puncture-resistant tyres like the one used in Vegh electric scooters would be a good option if you use your electric scooter primarily for commuting. These tyres are designed to prevent flats, making them ideal for everyday use. However, they may offer a different level of grip and traction than other tyres, so they may not be suitable for off-road riding or racing.

If you want to use your electric scooter for leisure activities like riding around the town or going on short trips, then all-terrain tyres would be a better option. These tyres provide good grip and traction on both pavement and off-road surfaces. 

Which one is best for an electric scooter?

When it comes to e scooters in India, there are a few things you need to take into account before purchasing tyres. Depending on the make and model of your scooter and how you plan to use it, the best tyres for electric scooters may vary. In general, however, there are a few key things to remember when choosing tyres for an electric scooter.

First and foremost, you’ll want to ensure that the tyres you select can handle the power and speed of your scooter. E scooters in India typically reach up to 20-50 kmph, so it’s important to choose tyres that can maintain traction and stability at high speeds. Consider the terrain on which you’ll be riding your scooter – if you’re planning to use it primarily on regular roads, smoother tyres may be a better option. However, treaded tyres may be better if you anticipate riding over rougher terrain like gravel roads.

Another important consideration is the size of the tyre. Most e scooters in India come with either 12-inch or 14-inch wheels, so you’ll need to ensure that the select tyres are compatible with your scooter’s wheel size. Additionally, remember that wider tyres will provide more stability than narrower ones, so if you need help deciding which size to choose, err on the side of larger tyres.

How to choose the right size and width of tyres for electric scooters?

If you’re looking to buy tyres for an electric scooter in India, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  1. You need to know the right size and width of tyres for your scooter.
  2. You must ensure that the tyres you choose are compatible with your scooter’s make and model.
  3. You need to decide on the type of tyres you want based on your driving habits and needs.

To help you choose the best tyres for your electric scooter, here is a quick guide on tyre sizes and widths:

Tyre Size: You first need to find out what size tyres your scooter uses. You can usually find this information in the owner’s manual or the manufacturer’s website. Once you know the right size, it’s time to choose the width.

Width: Tyre width is measured in millimeters (mm). Most electric scooters come with either 3.00 or 3.50 wide tyres. If you need help determining which width is best for your scooter, it’s always a good idea to go with the broader option, as it will provide better stability and grip while riding.

Compatibility: It’s essential to ensure that the tyres you choose are compatible with your scooter’s make and model. Not all tyres will fit all electric scooters, so checking before making a purchase is essential. You can usually find this information on the manufacturer’s website or by contacting them directly.

Type: The type of tyre you choose will depend on your driving habits and needs. For example, all-terrain tyres are a good option if you’re looking for a smoother ride and better grip. Performance tyres like the ones that come in Vegh electric scooters are a better choice if you want more speed and agility.

Following these tips, you can easily choose the right size and width of tyres for your e  scooters in India.


Choosing the best tyres for e scooters in India may seem daunting, but with knowledge of the different types and features available, it can be easy. Consider your needs when selecting tyres, such as terrain type, wet weather performance, puncture resistance, and durability. Check reviews online to ensure you have picked what is suitable for you. You will be ready to tackle any route with the proper tyre selection!


How Detachable Batteries are Changing the Market for an Electric Two Wheeler in India?

How detachable batteries are changing the market for an electric two wheeler in India?

Electric two wheeler are becoming increasingly popular in India. As an emerging market, electric scooters have been gaining traction with consumers because of their cost-effectiveness and convenience. But one of the biggest game-changers in this industry has been the introduction of detachable batteries. In this blog post, we’ll explore how detachable batteries like the ones used in Vegh electric scooters  are changing the electric scooter market in India and why they are an intelligent investment for riders. 

The current state of Electric Two Wheeler in India

Electric two wheeler in India is increasingly becoming popular, with more and more people opting for them as a mode of transport. However, the current state of electric scooters in India could be better. Several issues must be addressed to make electric scooters more viable for Indian consumers.

Firstly, the range of electric scooters is currently quite limited. There are only a handful of models to choose from, and only a few like Vegh  L 25 and Vegh S 25 are remarkably affordable. It needs to change if electric scooters will become more prevalent in India.

Secondly, the infrastructure for charging electric two wheeler in India could be better. There are few public charging stations, meaning most people must charge their scooters at home. It could be better, as it can take a long time to charge an electric scooter fully.

Finally, the current crop of electric scooters could be more reliable. There have been several reports of them breaking down or having other problems. It is something that needs to be improved if electric scooters are going to be taken seriously by Indian consumers.

How detachable batteries are changing the market?

Detachable batteries are becoming increasingly popular in the electric scooter market in India. It is due to their many benefits over traditional, non-detachable batteries. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Increased portability: Detachable batteries like the ones used in Vegh electric scooters can be easily removed from the scooter and carried with you, making them much more convenient than non-detachable batteries.
  2. Increased safety: Because detachable batteries can be removed from the scooter, they are much less likely to catch fire or cause other safety hazards.
  3. Easy to replace: If a detachable battery needs to be replaced, it can be quickly done without replacing the entire scooter. It is not the case with non-detachable batteries.
  4. Lower cost: Detachable batteries are often less expensive than their non-detachable counterparts. It makes them a more budget-friendly option for many consumers.
  5. Longer lasting: Detachable batteries are designed to last much longer than non-detachable batteries, making them a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Do detachable batteries affect the performance of electric scooters? 

It is a question that many people have. The answer is a complex one. It depends on a few factors, such as the type of battery, how it is used, and how well it is maintained.

The type of battery will affect its performance. For example, lithium-ion batteries used in Vegh electric scooters  are known to perform better than lead-acid batteries. They are also more expensive. If you want the best performance, you should choose a lithium-ion battery.

How you use your electric two wheeler in India will also affect its performance. If you frequently ride in cold weather, your battery will not perform as well as in warm weather. It is because cold weather decreases the efficiency of the battery. You can extend the life of your battery by storing it in a warm place when you are not using it.

Proper maintenance is also vital for optimal performance. Make sure to keep your battery clean and free of dirt and debris. Also, charge it regularly and keep it from discharge completely. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your battery performs at its best.

How to maintain detachable Electric Two Wheeler batteries?

Detachable batteries are becoming an increasingly popular choice for installation in the electric two wheeler in India. There are a few reasons for this:

  • They’re more convenient than non-detachable batteries.
  • They’re easier to replace.
  • They allow for more customization.

For the owners of Vegh electric scooters that come with a detachable battery, here are a few things you can do to keep it in good shape:

  1. Keep it clean: Wipe the battery with a dry cloth after every use. If there’s any dirt or debris on the terminals, use a brush or cotton swab to remove it.
  2. Store it properly: When you’re not using your scooter, store the battery in a cool, dry place. Avoid extreme temperatures, which can damage the battery.
  3. Charge it regularly: Even if you don’t use your scooter often, it’s essential to charge the battery at least once a month. It will help prolong its life span.


Though electric two wheelers have been in the market for a while now, they have not been prevalent in India. It is because of their high price and low range. However, this is changing with the introduction of detachable batteries.

Detachable batteries make the electric two wheeler in India more affordable as they can be bought separately from the scooter. They also make it possible to charge the batteries at home, which is more convenient than going to a charging station.

Vegh electric scooters with detachable batteries are becoming more popular in India as they offer a more affordable and convenient option than traditional electric scooters.

Electric Scooters vs Petrol Scooters India: What Should You Invest in 2023?

Electric Scooters vs Petrol Scooters India: what should you invest in 2023?

In India, electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular and widespread. With rising pollution levels and a growing recognition of the environmental impact of petrol scooters, people are turning towards electric alternatives to reduce emissions. But what should you invest in when it comes to electric scooters vs petrol scooters? In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both options for the year 2023 and see what would be the best investment for you.

What factors should you consider before buying a scooter?

It would be best to consider a few factors before purchasing an electric or petrol scooter.

First, think about what you will use the scooter for. If you only need it for short trips around town, an electric scooter might be the better option since they require less maintenance than petrol scooters. However, a petrol scooter might be a better choice if you plan to use the scooter for longer distances or more rugged terrain.

Another thing to consider is your budget. Electric scooters are more expensive than their petrol counterparts, so if cost is a significant factor, a petrol scooter is the way to go. However, remember that high speed electric scooters often have lower running costs since you don’t have to worry about buying petrol.

Finally, think about your skill level in riding and repairing a scooter. If you’re not mechanically inclined, Since electric scooters require less maintenance than  petrol scooters, they might be a superior option.

No matter which type of scooter you decide on, research and purchase one that fits your needs and budget.

The rise of electric scooter vs petrol scooter in India

Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular in India as a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to petrol scooters. With the rise of electric vehicles globally, many Indian consumers are turning to electric scooters to reduce their commute costs.

There are many benefits of high speed electric scooters over petrol scooters, including lower running costs, zero emissions and quieter operation. Electric scooters also have the potential to be more reliable and require less maintenance than petrol scooters.

Whether an electric or petrol scooter is right for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. If you’re looking for a more sustainable option with lower running costs, Vegh electric scooters may be the right choice. 

Why are electric scooter vs petrol scooter?

There are a few key reasons why electric scooters are often seen as being better than petrol scooters, even in a country like India, where fuel is relatively cheap. First and foremost, electric scooters emit far less pollution than petrol scooters – meaning they’re better for the environment and the rider’s health. Electric scooters also tend to be much quieter than petrol scooters, making them ideal for city commuting. 

And finally, high speed electric scooters require very little maintenance compared to petrol scooters – meaning you’ll save money in the long run. 

How to optimize your savings with an electric scooters?

Electric scooters are a great way to save money on fuel costs. An electric scooter can get up to 80 kms on a single charge*. That’s the same as a petrol scooter that gets 40-50 kms per litre.

There are a few things you can do to maximize the savings on your electric scooter:

Find the suitable model: There are many different models of  high speed electric scooters on the market. Do your research to find one that fits your needs and budget. Vegh electric scooters offer several models that can match economic needs for your daily commute. 

Choose the correct battery: High speed electric scooters come with either lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries. Lead-acid batteries are cheaper but only last for a short time as lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are more expensive but will last longer and provide more power. Choose the correct battery for your needs and budget.  Successful brands such as Vegh electric scooters use Lithium-ion batteries which are the most popular battery used in electric scooters in India.

Charge regularly: Keeping your battery charged will help extend its life. If you only use your electric scooter occasionally, charge it at least once a month. This can improve the battery health and reduce overall maintenance of the scooter resulting in greater savings. 


To sum up, deciding whether to invest in electricity or petrol in India in 2023 should be based on various factors such as cost, environmental impact and convenience. Ultimately, each individual has unique needs that need to be considered before making a decision. Depending on your lifestyle, one might suit you better than the other. However, if you are looking for a sustainable, economic and budget friendly scooter, we suggest you check Vegh electric scooters that offer a wide range of models with functional features to ease your commuting needs. 

Battery Ageing in E Scooters: All you need to know

Battery Ageing in E Scooters: All You Need to Know

E scooters are quickly becoming the go-to mode of transport for many individuals and families in India. They are convenient and easy to use and help you save money on fuel and reduce the carbon footprint. But with all this convenience comes a downside: battery ageing. When we talk about e scooters in India, battery ageing is an important concept to understand since it can affect performance, range, charging time and even the lifespan of your electric scooter. In this blog post, we’ll explore what exactly battery ageing is, how it affects the performance of your electric scooter and what measures you can take to prolong the life of your battery. Read on to learn more!

What Is E Scooters Battery Ageing?

Battery ageing is a normal process resulting from charging and discharging the battery over time; as the battery ages, its capacity to hold a charge decreases, leading to shorter ride times and reduced performance.

Factors That Contribute To E Scooters Battery Ageing

Several factors contribute to battery ageing in e scooters in India, including:

  1. The number of charge cycles: The more you charge and discharge your battery, the faster it will age.
  2. Depth of discharge: Discharging your battery to the end can shorten its lifespan before recharging.
  3. Storage conditions: Batteries stored in hot or cold conditions will age faster than those stored in optimal indoor conditions. Some successful brands, such as Vegh electric scooters, come with detachable batteries that can be stored indoors for added convenience. 
  4. Environment: The atmosphere is the most crucial element affecting the battery life of electric scooters. Your batteries will deteriorate more quickly if you store them in damp, over dried, or harsh conditions.
  5. Voltage: The voltage of the battery can also contribute to battery ageing by causing corrosion on the cell plates and internal components.

Electric scooter batteries come in many different shapes, sizes, and chemistries. The lead-acid battery is the most common type of battery used in electric scooters. Lead-acid batteries comprise a series of lead plates and acid electrolytes. When the scooter is being ridden, the battery produces the electrical energy that powers the motor. Lead-acid batteries are inexpensive and have a long life span, but they are also heavy and difficult to recharge.

Other types of batteries used in e scooters in India include lithium-ion and nickel-cadmium batteries. These batteries are lighter and can be recharged more easily than lead-acid batteries but they are also more expensive.  Successful brands such as Vegh electric scooters use Lithium-ion batteries which are the most popular battery used in e scooters in India as they offer the best combination of performance.

How Does Battery Ageing Affect E Scooters in India?

As your electric scooter’s battery ages, its performance will slowly decline. You may notice that your scooter has less power or range than it used to have. The battery cells slowly lose their ability to hold a charge. Battery ageing is a common issue with electric scooters and can affect its performance in various ways.

Here are some of the ways that battery ageing can affect your electric scooter:

  1. The battery may not hold its charge as well. It means that when you ride for longer than usual, you may have to stop or slow down more often. Some popular brands such as Vegh electric scooters offer battery level indicators which can help you check battery charge in real time. 
  2. The battery may take longer to recharge than when new. If this happens, you may have to wait longer between charges.
  3. The performance of the motor might decrease over time due to the age of the battery cells. It could make it difficult for the rider to maintain speed or acceleration when riding at higher speeds on flat ground or hillsides.

Tips to Prolong the Life of Your E Scooter Battery

There are a few things you can do to help prolong the life of your battery and keep it performing at its best:

  1. Minimize the use of high-drain devices: When not in use, disconnect high-drain devices such as your headlight, brake light, and horn from your battery. These devices can significantly drain your battery when not in use, so it’s best to disconnect them when you know you won’t use them for a while.
  2. Park your scooter in a cool, dry place: extreme heat or cold can shorten the life of your battery. If possible, try parking  your e scooters in India in the shade.
  3. Avoid deep discharge: keep your battery above 20% charge whenever possible. Deep discharges put a lot of strain on your battery and can shorten its lifespan.
  4. Keep an eye on the electrolyte level: if the level of electrolyte in your battery gets too low, it can damage the cells and shorten the life of your battery. Check the level regularly and top up with distilled water if necessary.
  5. Keep it clean: Dirt and grime can build up on the terminals and connections of your battery, causing it to work less efficiently. Wipe your battery regularly with a damp cloth to keep it clean and debris-free. Vegh electric scooters come with a detachable battery that can be easily cleaned when required. 
  6. Don’t overcharge it: It’s important not to let your battery become too depleted or too full. Both extremes will shorten its lifespan. Keep your battery between 30-80% charged whenever possible.


We hope this article has provided you with all the information about battery ageing of electric scooters in India. It is essential to be aware of how batteries age and how to prolong their life, especially when it comes to electric scooters, which rely solely on their batteries for power. Taking care of your battery correctly can help ensure safe and enjoyable rides in the long run.

How do Electric Scooters Outperform Internal Combustion Scooters?

How Do Electric Scooters Outperform Internal Combustion Scooters

Electric scooters are a convenient and cost-effective way to get around in cities. They are more environmentally friendly and often outperform traditional internal combustion scooters in terms of speed, acceleration, and power. This article will explore how high speed electric scooters outperform traditional internal combustion scooters by looking at the mechanics behind both types of vehicles. We will also discuss each type’s advantages and disadvantages so you can decide which is best for your needs. Read on to learn more about electric vs internal combustion scooters!

Factors determining the performance of electric scooters

The performance of E scooters in comparison to internal combustion scooters is influenced by a number of factors. The motor is among the most crucial components. Brushless motors are more effective and potent than the brushed motors found in the majority of internal combustion scooters, and are often found in EV scooters.

Another factor contributing to the superior performance of high speed electric scooters is the battery. Some of the most popular EV brands such as the Vegh battery scooters usually have lithium-ion batteries, which are lighter and more powerful than the lead-acid batteries found in most internal combustion scooters. Lithium-ion batteries also allow for a more extended range between charges.

Finally, high speed electric scooters typically have a lower center of gravity than internal combustion. It gives them better stability and handling, making riding more fun.

Why do electric scooters perform better than internal combustion scooters?

E-scooters outperform their internal combustion counterparts for several reasons. They are cheaper to operate and maintain, emit zero pollutants, and have a far superior range.

Battery EV scooters are cheaper because you don’t have to buy petrol. You also don’t have to tune up your E scooter as frequently as you would a petrol scooter. E-scooters emit zero pollutants, so they’re much better for the environment. And finally, high speed electric scooters have a much longer range than petrol scooters before needing to be recharged.

Overall, e scooters are superior to petrol scooters in terms of performance and sustainability.

Can performance affect the battery life and maintenance of electric two wheeler scooters?

The average lifespan of an EV scooter is three to five times that of a petrol-powered scooter. Electric scooters require less maintenance than petrol scooters, and their performance can affect the battery life and maintenance of electric EV scooters.

EV scooters are powered by batteries, which must be regularly charged to keep the scooter running. The battery life of  high speed electric scooters will depend on how often it is used and how well it is maintained. Regular charging and proper maintenance will extend the battery life of an electric e scooter.

The performance of an E-scooter can also affect its battery life. E scooters typically have two speed settings – high and low. High speeds will use up the battery faster than low speeds. If you want to maximize the battery life of your electric two-wheeler scooter, stick to lower speeds when possible. Vegh EV scooters have 3 speed modes which further helps in optimizing the battery life for enhanced performance. 

Electric two wheel scooters require less maintenance than petrol scooters, and their performance can affect the battery life and maintenance of electric two-wheeler scooter. With proper care, your electric two-wheeler will provide years of trouble-free service.

Advantages of E scooters over internal combustion scooters

There are several advantages that electric scooters have over their internal combustion counterparts. They include:

  1. EV scooters are much cheaper to operate than petrol scooters. You’ll save money on petrol and maintenance costs with an EV scooter.
  2. E-scooters are better for the environment. They emit no pollutants and have a smaller carbon footprint than petrol scooters.
  3. Electric two-wheeler scooter are easier to ride.You can easily and rapidly pick up speed with high speed electric scooters because they have instant torque and don’t require shifting.
  4. E-scooters are more reliable than petrol scooters. With fewer moving parts, they’re less likely to break down or need repairs.
  5. EV scooters are quieter than petrol scooters. When riding an battery scooter, you won’t disturb your neighbors or draw attention to yourself.
  6. Electric EV scooters are more convenient to charge than petrol scooters. You’ll never have to worry about finding a petrol station or running out of fuel with an electric scooter.
  7. Electric two-wheeler scooter are lighter and more maneuverable than petrol scooters. It makes them great for weaving through traffic or navigating tight spaces.
  8. Electric scooters last longer than petrol scooters. With proper maintenance and care,  high speed electric two-wheeler scooter can last for years with minimal wear and tear.

Should you buy EV scooters purely on a performance basis?

When buying a scooter, there are numerous things to take into account. But when it comes to sheer performance, high speed electric two-wheeler scooterare often superior to their internal combustion counterparts.

First and foremost, battery scooters have much more torque than petrol scooters. It is because electric motors generate torque instantly, while petrol engines need to rev up to create torque. It makes EV scooters much better for acceleration and climbing hills.

In addition, E scooters are much more efficient than petrol scooters. They convert more energy from the battery into usable power, meaning they can travel further on a single charge. Electric scooters also don’t produce emissions, so they are much better for the environment.

Finally, high speed electric scooters require less maintenance than petrol scooters. No oil changes or tune-ups are necessary with an E scooter – you charge the battery and go!

If you’re looking for a scooter that will outperform its internal combustion counterpart in every way, then vegh electric two-wheeler scooter are the way to go.


In conclusion, electric two-wheeler scooter offer a variety of advantages over internal combustion scooters. They are more environmentally friendly and provide a smoother ride with fewer vibrations. Additionally, they require less maintenance since no moving parts need to be lubricated or replaced regularly. Finally, vegh two-wheeler scooter have longer ranges and lower maintenance  cost than their counterparts, making them ideal for commuting or short trips around town. All in all, it’s clear why so many people are opting for some popular EVs like the  vegh electric scooters over traditional petrol-powered ones!