Government of India Initiatives to Promote Electric Scooters in India

Government of India Initiatives to Promote Electric Scooters in India

The Government of India has been promoting the use of electric scooters in India as a part of its commitment to reducing air pollution and climate change. To promote electric scooters, the government has been providing incentives to purchase them, including subsidies and tax exemptions. The government has also been working to create a charging infrastructure for electric scooters. In this blog post, we will help you understand various initiatives and schemes launched by the government of India to promote EV adoption. 

The Indian Government’s stance on electric vehicles

To achieve EV adoption by 2030, the government has launched several initiatives to encourage using electric scooters in India. The government is working on making it mandatory for all new two-wheelers sold in India from 2025 onwards to be powered by electricity. This move is expected to increase the adoption of electric scooters in a big way and help reduce emissions from vehicles significantly.

The FAME India Scheme, which provides financial incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles, is expected to boost sales of electric scooters in India and help make them more affordable for buyers. The government has also launched an electric vehicle charging infrastructure program. Under this program, the government will install EV charging stations as public-private partnerships nationwide. 

List of Government Initiatives and Schemes 

The Government of India has been keen on promoting the use of electric vehicles in the country and has taken various initiatives to achieve this objective. These include: 

  1. FAME India Scheme: The Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (FAME India) scheme was launched in April 2015 to promote the adoption of electric vehicles. Under this scheme, the government provides incentives for purchasing electric scooters up to Rs 20,000 for two-wheelers and Rs 30,000 for three-wheelers.
  2. Subsidies and Tax Benefits: To encourage more people to purchase electric scooters, various state governments have offered subsidies. Tax benefits are also available on buying an electric scooter under certain conditions.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The government has been developing charging infrastructure across the country to make it easier for people to charge their electric scooters conveniently and efficiently.
  4. Awareness Campaigns: The government has been running awareness campaigns through radio, television, newspapers, etc., to educate people about the benefits of using electric scooters over petrol vehicles. 
  5. Financing Options: To make electric scooters more accessible, the government has provided financing options through banks, NBFCs, and other financial institutions. This makes purchasing an electric scooter easier, even if they need more money upfront. Brands like Vegh Automobiles have adopted this initiative by providing affordable finance options on their electric scooters.

By taking these initiatives, India’s government hopes to create an ecosystem in which electric scooters become more popular and accessible to the masses.

The Current EV Scooter Ecosystem 

Electric scooters are a rapidly growing mode of transportation in India. To reduce the country’s dependence on imported oil and promote clean energy use, the Government of India has been supporting the development and sale of electric scooters. There are a variety of electric scooters available on the market, from basic models that are affordable for low-income families to high-end models with advanced features.

The most basic electric scooters typically have a range of 20-30 kilometers and a top speed of 25 kilometers per hour. These scooters are often used for short commutes and running errands around town. More expensive models may have a range of up to 100 kilometers and a top speed of 50 kilometers per hour. These higher-end models are suitable for longer commutes and can even be used for road trips. Brands like Vegh Automobiles have come up with economical high-speed electric scooters in India that have driving ranges of up to 120 km* and a top speed of up to 75km/h*. 

In addition to different ranges and top speeds, electric scooters also vary in terms of their battery life. Some models can go for days or even weeks without needing to be recharged, while others need to be plugged in after every few hours of use. Battery life is an important consideration when choosing an electric scooter, as it will determine how often you need to stop to recharge your vehicle. 

If you’re concerned about the environment, it’s worth looking into the different types of electric scooters available and deciding which one is best for you.


India is leading the way in electric scooter adoption, and the government has done a tremendous job of promoting it. From subsidies and tax holidays that make electric scooters more accessible to charging infrastructure being set up across cities, the initiatives taken by the Government of India have made a significant contribution towards reducing carbon emissions and creating a greener transportation system in India. This will go a long way toward creating a sustainable future for generations to come.

How to Create a Complete Experience Center for Electric Scooters Dealerships in India

How to Create a Complete Experience Center for Electric Scooters Dealerships in India


Are you an electric scooter dealership looking to attract and retain customers? Look no further! Creating a complete experience center can be the ultimate solution.

A complete experience center should provide customers with an immersive, interactive, and engaging experience. The experience center should also offer a range of activities such as interactive displays, test rides, virtual reality shows, workshops, demonstrations, and more.

This blog post will walk you through everything you need to know about setting up your electric scooter experience center in India. From designing the space to choosing the right products, we’ve got it all covered. Let’s create an unforgettable shopping experience that will leave a lasting impression on your customers!

What is an experience center?

An experience center is where people can come to test out and learn about electric scooters. They are usually located in dealerships but also in other retail locations. Experience centers typically have various scooters on display, as well as helpful staff who can answer questions and provide information about the benefits of owning an electric scooter. Experience centers like Vegh automobiles also offer test drives so potential customers can see how easy and fun it is to ride an electric scooter.

Experience centers are an excellent way for potential customers to learn about electric scooters and decide if they are the right option. They provide a hands-on experience that can’t be replicated online or through literature, allowing people to make more informed purchase decisions.

Vegh automobiles dealerships also provide educational resources such as webinars and classes about electric scooter safety and maintenance. These educational opportunities can help people decide if an electric scooter is suitable for them.

What should an experience center for electric scooter dealerships in India include?

An experience center for electric scooter dealerships in India should include a variety of interactive experiences that showcase the latest models of electric scooters and allow potential customers to test-drive them. The center should also feature informative displays about the benefits of electric scooters and provide access to experts who can answer any questions about making the switch to electric transportation.

The experience center for an Electric Scooter Dealership should also have a variety of amenities for customers, such as a café or lounge area where visitors can relax and learn more about electric scooters.

The center should include educational resources about the importance of sustainable transportation choices and ways to reduce emissions from traditional combustion-engine vehicles. The center should provide convenient access to charging infrastructure so customers can quickly charge their electric scooters while visiting the experience center.

Additionally, dealerships like Vegh automobiles provide a wide range of services, including maintenance and repair, battery charging, and financing options for those looking to buy an electric scooter. Customers can browse the collection of electric scooters at Vegh automobiles in a relaxing setting and decide which model best meets their requirements.

How to create a complete experience center for electric scooter dealerships in India?

In India, electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular as a mode of transportation. As such, dealerships are popping up nationwide to meet the demand.

However, many of these dealerships need a complete experience center to provide potential customers with everything they need to make an informed purchase decision.

A complete experience center for an electric scooter dealership should include the following:

  • A wide selection of electric scooters on display with price points.
  • Knowledgeable staff who can answer scooter questions and help test drive them.
  • A comfortable seating area for customers to relax while waiting for their turn to test drive.
  • Refreshments such as tea, coffee, and water for customers.
  • A kid’s play area to keep children entertained while their parents or guardians shop.
  • An area for customers to learn about the different features of electric scooters and how they work.
  • A customer service desk where customers can register complaints or ask questions about after-sales service.
  • Free Wi-Fi and charging stations for mobile phones and laptops.

A complete experience center will help dealerships in India provide a better shopping experience for potential customers and make them more likely to purchase an electric scooter from their store.


Setting up an experience center for an Electric Scooter Dealership in India is a great way to showcase the newest models, provide sales and support services and create a unique atmosphere for customers. With careful planning and consideration of location, amenities, and customer service, you can create the perfect space to increase brand loyalty with existing customers while attracting new ones. By taking into account all of these aspects, you can ensure that your dealership has a successful and profitable experience center that will be enjoyed by everyone who visits it.